Ready, Study, Go
Are you an international student at TH Köln interested in connecting with companies in Cologne and the surrounding area? Are you a company looking for highly qualified international students? The "Ready, Study, Go" project brings students and companies together. Learn more about the project, measures, and upcoming activities on the following pages.
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About the Project
At TH Köln, around 10% of our 23.500 students are international, with many pursuing degrees in STEM fields. To make sure these students are well-prepared for the German job market, the Team International Degree-Seeking Students at TH Köln started the new project “Ready, Study, Go” – supporting them through a wide range of qualification and networking opportunities with companies and employers from the Cologne region.
At the same time, the project actively supports regional companies by connecting them with these highly skilled international talents, helping to address the skills gap.
All project measures are based on the needs of both international students and companies. Follow the relevant tabs to access offers specific to your target group.
All services are free of charge.
For Students: Your Pathway to Academic and Professional Success
The “Ready, Study, Go” project at TH Köln aims to help international students thrive in their studies and succeed in finding jobs in Germany. Our goal is to equip you with practical skills and connect you with companies, paving the way for a successful career.
Whether you have questions about financing your studies, need help with academic writing or job applications, or want to network with potential employers: we are here for you.
Explore our offers and find out how we can support you on your journey.
For Companies and Organizations: Your Access to International Talent
With over 1,600 international students enrolled in more than 50 STEM programs, TH Köln offers significant potential for addressing the skills shortage – both regionally and across Germany. The “Ready, Study, Go” project aims to make the most of this potential by preparing international students with the right skills for the job market, making them highly attractive candidates.
As a project member, your company will gain early access to these highly qualified international talents and can actively participate in shaping the future of skilled labor recruitment.


Federal Ministry of Education and Research
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is funding the "Ready, Study, Go" project with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the "FIT - Förderung internationaler Talente zur Integration in Studium und Arbeitsmarkt“ (Promoting Academic Success and Labour Market Integration of International Talents) program line.