Stephan Herma

Stephan Herma

Hochschulreferat Internationale Angelegenheiten

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3838

Welcome Teaser (Image: TH Köln/Kimberly Lara Strumpf)

Ready, Study, Go

You are an international student at TH Köln and interested in making contact with companies in Cologne and the surrounding area? You are a company looking for highly qualified international students? With the "Ready, Study, Go" project, TH Köln brings students and companies together. Find out more about the project itself, as well as specific activities on the following pages.

 This page will be continuously updated with further information.

What is "Ready, Study, Go"?

For students

With its "Ready, Study, Go" project, TH Köln supports international students on their way to a successful degree, inspires them for a professional future in Germany and prepares them optimally for their career entry.

With the "Ready, Study, Go" project for international degree-seeking students

  • we support you in your academic success,
  • we prepare you for the German labor market,
  • we offer you interesting contacts to companies in Cologne and the region,
  • you can find employment opportunities in companies - during your studies and after your graduation.

Visit our information events and get advice from the staff of the Team International Degree-Seeking Students.

Take part in the certificate program and workshops for academic writing and communication, as well as job application workshops and career advice.

Meet companies from the region and international graduates of TH Köln who have successfully found a job in a company in Germany.

All offers are free of charge. We look forward to meeting you.

Supported by the Logo DAAD kurz


with funds from the Logo des BMBF

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is funding the "Ready, Study, Go" project with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the "FIT - Förderung internationaler Talente zur Integration in Studium und Arbeitsmarkt“ (Promoting Academic Success and Labour Market Integration of International Talents) program line.

Stephan Herma

Stephan Herma

Hochschulreferat Internationale Angelegenheiten

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3838