Stephan Herma

Stephan Herma

Hochschulreferat Internationale Angelegenheiten

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3838

For Companies and Organisations

Ready Study Go Teaser (Image: TH Köln )

The issue of skills shortages has many dimensions and the development of solutions and systemic transition structures for international students in the labor market of the Cologne metropolitan region benefits from the involvement of a wide range of expertise and perspectives. Together with companies and key stakeholders, we want to attract students as skilled workers for the region.

The current shortage of skilled workers continues to be one of the major economic and political challenges for Germany and the Cologne metropolitan region.

As part of the "Ready, Study, Go" project, TH Köln is building a network together with companies and stakeholders from business, politics, local authorities and umbrella organizations in which common needs and challenges are discussed and dialogue and networking measures for the integration of international students into the region's labour market are implemented.

The aim of this network is to close the skills gap in the region and increase the competitiveness of companies by attracting highly qualified international graduates to the regional labor market at an early stage and offering them promising prospects of staying.

Participation in the network and the measures is possible at any time. If you are interested, please send an email to Stephan Herma (

This page will be continuously expanded.

Exchange formats of the network

Cooperation and exchange within the network takes place in various event formats.

Kickoff event

The kick-off event taking place on Sept 03, 2024 from 9-11 a.m. at Deutz campus marks the start of the cooperation in the "Ready, Study, Go" project.

If you are interested in participating, please send a binding registration to Stephan Herma ( by 06.08.2024.

Round Table

The network thrives on an active, regular and collaborative exchange in which needs, challenges and suitable measures are discussed, further developed and implemented. A Round Table forms the operational level of the network and pools the expertise of the stakeholders involved.


A one-and-a-half-day symposium is held once a year. At this event, developments, perspectives, findings and ideas on the topic of "Attracting international skilled workers to the region" are enriched and discussed with more scientific expertise. Keynote speeches and interactive formats will shed light on various dimensions, findings and forecasts and invite active participation.

The members of the Round Table jointly develop the annual theme of the symposium, the program, participate in the selection of participants and support the organizers, e.g. by approaching potential speakers and other contributors.

Dialogue and networking formats

In addition to the exchange on transition structures as part of the Round Table, there is a need for concrete networking opportunities between students on their way into the job market and companies as their potential employers.

Here you will soon find further information on dialog and networking formats and dates.

Stephan Herma

Stephan Herma

Hochschulreferat Internationale Angelegenheiten

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3838