Gewinnerbild Fotowettbewerb des International Office (Image: Jana Laura Liebler)

Short Term Programs

Summer or winter schools, workshops, excursion scholarships, researching your thesis and language courses are organized study programs for a limited period of time. Such a stay can take from a few days up to several weeks and offers you a very good opportunity to test your personal competences abroad.

Many short-term programs take place during semester breaks and offer an intensive learning platform in an international atmosphere. In general, participation in such short-term programs is credited according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), and many programs also integrate accompanying cultural excursions and events in order to get to know the country and its people better.

By taking part in a short-term stay, you have the opportunity to get to know the daily routine of studying at another university. You will learn more about the culture and life in your chosen host country and gain a broader professional insight into your field of study.

What opportunities do you have?

Language Courses Abroad

Summer & Winter Schools

Final Thesis