University Library
Jump to
- Branches and opening hours
- Registration
- Renewing your library card
- Literature research
- Purchase request
- Borrowing and returning books
- Renewing the loan period
- Reserving and ordering books
- Payment of fees
- E-Mail notification
- The library as a learning venue
- Electronic resources
- Publishing
- Consultation and training
Library tours (Deutz)
We offer basic library tours in English every Wednesday, 11:00-11:30 a.m. Meet us at the service desk (2nd floor). No registration needed.
Branches and opening hours
The library of TH Köln has 4 branches. Visit our web pages (in German) for further information about addresses, opening hours and contact details.
Visit the respective web pages:
The following services are available during full service hours ("Servicezeit") only:
- Support by qualified staff
- Collection of interlibrary loans
- Registration
e-mail contact
TH Köln students
Your TH Köln student ID card (MultiCa) is also your library card. It is activated automatically.
TH Köln Alumni
If you have studied at TH Köln University in the past, you can register for free.
- fill in the online registration form
- send an e-mail to your desired campus library
- we issue your library card and inform you via e-mail when it is ready for collection
- provide proof of former TH affiliation and your ID when collecting the card
Students of other universities
If you are currently enrolled at another German university, you can register for free.
- fill in the online registration form
- send an e-mail to your desired campus library
- we issue your library card and inform you via e-mail when it is ready for collection
- provide a current certificate of enrollment and your ID when collecting the car
Pupils from the age of 16 can register for free.
- fill in the online registration form
- send an e-mail to your desired campus library
- we issue your library card and inform you via e-mail when it is ready for collection
- provide a current student ID card, your ID and the written consent of a legal guardian (if you are under the age of 18) when collecting the card
Guest users
If you are not a student and haven't studied at TH Köln in the past, you can register as a guest user for an annual fee of EUR 25.
- fill in the online registration form
- send an e-mail to your desired campus library
- we issue your library card and inform you via e-mail when it is ready for collection
- bring your ID and a giro, debit or credit card covering the amount of EUR 25
Renewing your library card
TH Köln students
You library card will be renewed automatically with your enrollment for the next semester. In case of any problems, please contact your Office of Student Services:
Please note: If you are no longer enrolled, your TH-email-address becomes inactive immediately and library notifications can no longer be delivered!
Have you finished your studies at TH Köln? You are welcome to register for free as alumni at your campus library.
You don’t want to use our services any more? Then you don’t have to do anything. User accounts that are empty and inactive are automatically deleted after 6 days according to GDPR (Genral Data Protection Regulation).
TH Köln Alumni
Via email or in person, just get in touch with us! We will be happy to renew you library card for another full year.
Just click on your campus library to send an email:
You don’t want to use our services any more? Then you don’t have to do anything. User accounts that are empty and inactive are automatically deleted after 6 days according to GDPR (Genral Data Protection Regulation).
TH Köln teaching staff and employees
The library receives the data of all employees from the university’s central identity management system. Please contact your responsible personnel officer for all contractual matters:
TH Köln intern: Human Resources
You employment contract has expired? You are welcome to register for free as an alumni at your campus library. An automatic transfer is not possible.
Detailed information on new registrations for alumni
Your employment contract has expired but your’re still a TH student? With the automatic data transfer your staff account will be closed and your student library account activated. Please note the different loan conditions.
Do you have any questions regarding the change? Get in touch!
You don’t want to use our services any more? Then you don’t have to do anything. User accounts that are empty and inactive are automatically deleted after 6 days according to GDPR (Genral Data Protection Regulation).
Students of other universities / schools
Digital renewal: You can send us your valid certificate of enrollment or (school) student card via email. We will then renew your library card for another full year.
Just click on your campus library to send an email:
You don’t want to use our services any more? Then you don’t have to do anything. User accounts that are empty and inactive are automatically deleted after 6 days according to GDPR (Genral Data Protection Regulation).
Guest users
You can pay the annual fee of EUR 25 with your giro, debit or credit card or MultiCa during our service hours. Your library card will then be renewed for another full year.
You don’t want to use our services any more? Then you don’t have to do anything. User accounts that are empty and inactive are automatically deleted after 6 days according to GDPR (Genral Data Protection Regulation).
Youtube tutorial
All members of TH Köln Library receive a campusID. It consists of a user name and password and is required to log in to your library account to be able to order items or renew the loan period online. Your campusID also allows you to use the computer workstations.
Literature research
You can search the online catalog, the so-called Katalog PLUS, to find the library’s collection of printed and electronic books, journals, articles, specialised information and electronic full texts.
In addition, the library offers several other options to search databases and portals.
electronic resources and databases (in German)
Books that aren’t part of our collection can be ordered from another German library via interlibrary loan. Please note that this is a charged-for service. The fee is EUR 1.50 per order.
interlibrary loan (in German)
Purchase request
If you’re looking for a book that we don’t have or if all copies are on loan or reserved, you are welcome to make a purchase request online:
Anschaffungswunsch (in German)
Borrowing and returning books
Most of our items can be borrowed for one month, with a maximum loan period of 6 months. Within this period, the item can be renewed as often as you wish, as long as it has not been reserved by another person.
Please pick up your books from the open shelves and borrow them at the service desk or self-service stations with your MultiCa.
Tip: The self-service stations operate in both English and German! You can easily change the language at the bottom of the screen.

Renewing the loan period
You can renew the loan period for your items online from 7 days before the return date. For further information, please check our learning video:
Reserving and ordering books
To place a reservation
Check the Katalog Plus to find out if copies of a title are available or on loan. Log in to your account and click the button "vormerken" (reserve). The first copy that is returned will be provided for you. You will be informed via e-mail as soon as the book has been returned and can be picked up.
To place an order
Log in to your account and order items for your preferred branch. You will be notified via e-mail as soon as your requested items are ready to be picked up. Depending on the branch, the delivery will take 2 to 7 days. This service is free of charge.
Pick-up shelf
You can pick up your reservations or orders by yourself within the library’s opening hours.
All items on hold are provided at the pick-up shelf and arranged according to your borrower number. Pick up your book and borrow it at the service desk or self-service station.
Please note: Interlibrary loans or orders from our magazine stock can be picked up at the service desk during our service hours only.
Payment of fees
You can only pay your fees at the MultiCa charging stations that you find in all four campus libraries. Fees can be paid by giro, credit or debit card and MultiCa. With the change-over from cash payment at the service desk to self-service payment stations, it is possible to pay fees during the entire opening hours.
Paying at the station – how it works
You can pay with credit on your MultiCa and giro, debit or credit card. To use the payment stations you will need the self-service PIN of your library account. By default, it consists of day and month of your birthday (DDMM).
Select "Pay library fees" on the start screen of the station. Insert your MultiCa (chip card) and enter your self-service PIN to call up your current account balance. All fees are listed. Confirm them by clicking "Pay all" and select your preferred payment method. Tip: Your MultiCa credit is shown above. Follow the process shown on the display or the card reader. The payment is completed. You will receive the receipt via email.
Locations of payment stations
Deutz Campus: library (ground floor)
Südstadt Campus: library (ground floor), in front of the service desk
Gummersbach Campus: library (entrance area), next to the service desk
Leverkusen Campus: ground floor, room 101
Self-service PIN
Forgot your PIN? You can look it up and change it in your library account:
Mein Konto (Katalog PLUS)
Login with your campusID
E-Mail notification
You will receive notifications from the library via your
- if you borrow, return or renew items.
- if reserved or ordered items (including interlibrary loans) can be picked up.
- if the loan period of your borrowed items expires shortly (renewal reminder).
- if your borrowed items are overdue (1. + 2. dunning level).
The library as a learning venue
The library of TH Köln provides a variety of study spaces for your personal learning needs. Whether you prefer to work quietly on your own or to exchange thoughts with your group – there is something for everyone.
Using the scanners is free of charge. Printouts and copies start at EUR 0.15 per page. You can pay the fee with your MultiCa or with coins.
Electronic resources
Almost all e-books, e-journals and databases licenced by the library can be accessed on your own computer whenever and wherever you like. You only need to connect to the university network via VPN.
Please note: VPN is only available for TH Köln members. Library guests can access electronic resources from our computer workstations on site.
Learning video "How can I use electronic media at home?" (YouTube)
Students of TH Köln can publish their thesis, term paper or project report online via the ePublications theses server (in German). This service is free of charge!
Consultation and training
During service hours, our friendly and qualified staff are happy to help with any library related questions you may have. For questions, suggestions and feedback please also use our online form (German).
We also offer library tours on a regular basis. Please contact us if you are interested in joining a tour in English. We can also arrange further trainings regarding literature research and Citavi, a useful tool to manage and organise your literature. Please visit our pages.