
Südstadt Campus Administration Building
Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54
Room 68
50968 Köln


Sarugha Martina Ravendiran

Sarugha Martina Ravendiran

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3762

Family-friendly university

Logo Familienservice (Image: TH Köln)

Balancing career and family or studies and family is challenging for everyone. Since 2011, Technische Hochschule Köln has been certified as a “family-friendly university” and continues to support families at our university.

Family service

TH Köln’s goal is to make it easier for employees and students to combine work and studies with family life. The family service at TH Köln offers individual options, advice oncounselling, childcare, family-friendly work spaces, maternity and partental leave, amongst others.

Please contact us and schedule your one-on-one confidential consultation, whether it is on

  • finding childcare services
  • obtaining information on maternity and parental leave
  • continuing your studies with children
  • supporting flexible work
  • caring for sick/elderly family members

Family service is introducing itself

Working, Studying, Parenting – What TH Köln provides

Eine Frau sitz neben einem Kind auf einer Bank und hält ein aufgeschlagenes Buch in der Hand. Im Hintergrund siueht man ein Kind auf einem BobbyCar. Childcare (Image: Michaela Patschurkowski/TH Köln)

TH Köln has reserved places for children of students and employees at several daycare facilities in Cologne and Gummersbach. For corporate daycare centres, please visit the following link [in German]: Kitaplätze und Tagespflege

TH Köln members can apply for a place using the application form [German].

Kindergruppe Campuserholung (Südstadt Campus) (Image: Nachwuchsförderung e.V.)

School holidays
During the school holidays, TH Köln offers all-day care with a lot of fun for both indoor and outdoor activities. For the current schedule, please visit the following link [in German]: Campuserholung und Ferienspaß

Furthermore, TH Köln provides the following additional childcare services and family-friendly facilities:

  • finding a babysitter
  • placing flexible childcare
  • caring for children during events or meetings
  • using the parent-child office
  • borrowing mobile toy boxes on the campus
  • using baby care rooms
  • using playground for children

The sudden need for nursing care for an elderly relative is challenging for employees and students. TH Köln’s family service can advise on all matters of temporary care of family members and leave of absence.

Family-friendly university audit

By participating in the “family-friendly university” audits, Technische Hochschule Köln is committed to family-friendly policies and infrastructure for employees and students.  

The “family-friendly university” audit

  • combines and improves family and university matters
  • establishes family-friendly working and study conditions
  • considers family-friendly needs in all areas and processes of university life


Südstadt Campus Administration Building
Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54
Room 68
50968 Köln


Sarugha Martina Ravendiran

Sarugha Martina Ravendiran

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3762