Stephan Herma

Stephan Herma

Hochschulreferat Internationale Angelegenheiten

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3838

For students

Ready Study Go Teaser (Image: TH Köln )

Are you looking for support to study successfully at TH Köln and in financing your studies? Are you interested in working in Cologne or the region - during your studies or after graduation? We support you with the "Ready, Study, Go" project.

Our offers for international degree-seeking students

The Team International Degree-Seeking Students of the Department of International Affairs supports international students during their Student Life Cycle through various measures.

Web-Seminars for international students

Online-Veranstaltung First Steps First Steps @TH Köln (Image: pixabay / TH Köln)

Web seminars accompany students in the introductory phase of their studies and provide important information on their first steps at TH Köln and in Germany, as well as on finding accommodation and the teaching and learning culture at the university.

TH Köln Buddy Program

BuddyProgramm Teaser TH Köln Buddy-Programm (Image: TH Köln / Huyen Trang Nguyen)

The TH Köln Buddy Program supports academic and social integration at TH Köln.

Are you from abroad and will soon be studying at TH Köln? Or are you already studying here and are motivated to get involved with international students and improve your language skills?

Then the TH Köln Buddy Program is just right for you.

Financing your studies

Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten (Image: Thilo Schmülgen/ TH Köln)

An important aspect when planning your studies in Cologne is the costs you will incur during your stay. Find out about the cost of living in Cologne and ways to finance your studies.

Take part in our web seminars.

Certificate Program Ready, Study, Go

Would you like to develop your skills in academic work, learn important argumentation strategies and prepare yourself for the German job market? The certificate program within the "Ready, Study, Go" project offers you all of this, including individual career advice.

Get in Touch with Companies

A cooperative network for labour market integration, consisting of TH Köln, companies and organizations, establishes clear transition structures for international graduates into the German labour market.

Networking measures bring international students and companies in the Cologne metropolitan region into direct contact with each other and offer the opportunity to work in companies - during their studies and after graduation.

Meet companies from the region and international graduates of TH Köln who have successfully found a job in a company in Germany.

This page is under construction, more information will be available soon.

Stephan Herma

Stephan Herma

Hochschulreferat Internationale Angelegenheiten

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3838