Cross-registered and auditing students

Cross-registered and auditing students can attend invididual classes at TH Köln.
Limited cross-registered students
Application form
Application deadline
Application deadline for limited cross-registration:
- March 15 for the summer semester
- September 15 for the winter semester
TH Köln must have received your application by this date.
Students enrolled at other universities can apply for a limited cross-registration at TH Köln to attend individual classes. It is irrelevant if the program at the student’s main university is admission-restricted or not. Students who are admitted as limited cross-registered students are entitled to attend classes and take examinations that are part of the respective program. The final examination must be taken at the main university.
Limited cross-registered students pay a cross-registration fee of €100 per semester. They pay their regular semester fee to their main university.
Full cross-registered students
Program overview
Students enrolled at other universities can be admitted as full cross-registered students in another program at TH Köln if they meet the admission requirements and, in case of admission-restricted programs, are offered admission to their chosen program. Please note: Studens who are enrolled in an admission-restricted program at their main university cannot be admitted to another admission-restricted program at TH Köln as a cross-registered student.
Prospective students interested in a full cross-registration at TH Köln are required to apply for admission like regular students. Only if they actually enroll at TH Köln will they be registered as full cross-registered students.
Applications are usually submitted through TH Köln’s campus management system (CaMS). For some (very few) programs, applications are not submitted through CaMS but in another manner. Information on the application process for each program is available on the programs’ “How to apply” pages. (Please note: If the program you are interested has German as language of instruction, this information may only be available in German.)
Fees and supporting documents
Full cross-registered students only pay their regular semester fee to their main university. They do not pay the cross-registered student fee.
They are required to submit their enrollment certificate from their main university to TH Köln’s Office of Student Services each semester (by September 30 for the winter semester / March 31 for the summer semester).
Auditing students
Information for auditing students
- Office of Student and Examination Services If you are interested in becoming an auditing student at TH Köln and need additional information, please get in touch with the Office of Student Services.
- Application for admission as an auditing student (pdf, 97 KB)
Persons who want to attend individual courses at TH Köln can apply to register as auditing student, provided that the respective courses have capacity. For auditing students, no proof of prior qualification, program-related aptitude or an internship is required.
Auditing students are required to pay a fee of €100 per semester (as per the University Fees Act (Hochschulgebührengesetz)).
Auditing students are not enrolled at TH Köln. With their admission, they become part of the university community for the duration of their admission. However, they are not members of the university. The do not have the right to take examinations. They may receive a confirmation of participation for the classes they attended.