Admission requirements for degree-seeking students

School systems around the globe vary widely from country to country. It is therefore necessary to check whether you may study in Germany with the certificates that you currently hold. The Team International Degree-Seeking Students can assist you in understanding the admission requirements you must meet.
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May I study in Germany?
Your secondary school diploma and your previous studies must qualify you to study in Germany.
In our video tutorials, we explain how to find out whether and under what conditions you are allowed to study at TH Köln.
Information for applicants with an international school-leaving certificate
If you have already studied at a university, please also check whether your degree and university are recognized in Germany.
We explain how to find out in the second video tutorial.
Information for applicants with an international university degree
Do I have the necessary language skills?
For most German-taught study programs, you must prove a German level of at least C1 at the time of application. Check the German certificates accepted by TH Köln.
For English-taught study programs, you must prove that you have the appropriate knowledge of English. You will find information on this topic on the page of the respective study program in the section "How to Apply".
Are there other admission requirements?
Additional admission requirements may apply for some study programs, such as:
- Proof of additional foreign language skills
- Proof of a pre-study internship
- Proof of professional experience prior to the study start
- Passing of an aptitude test
Check your program page early. Registration deadlines for aptitude tests may be earlier than the actual application deadline.
Check requirements for your program
- Find your desired study program at the link above
- Click on “How to Apply” (If the category "How to Apply" does not exist, please refer to the German website and click on "Bewerbung")
Should you have questions about the application or the admission, please contact the Team International Degree-Seeking Students.