Scholarships for Refugees

Information about scholarships for refugees can be found here:


The application deadline is 15 December and 15 June of each year.

Financing your studies for international students

Eine Lupe vergrößert Münzen und Geldscheine (Image: Jorma Bork /

An essential factor for pursuing your studies in Germany are the costs of your stay. This page provides you with all information on costs of living in Cologne as well as ways of funding your studies.

How to finance your studies

Tips for international students - how do I finance my studies in Germany? (Bild: Deutsches Studentenwerk)

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A number of institutions offer advice and support when it comes to funding your studies. Among them are:


TH Köln charges a semester fee of approx. 320 € per semester.

Tuition fees generally only have to be paid for continuing education masters.

Cost of Living

The costs of living for your stay in Cologne largely depend on your personal needs. Overall we recommend to calculate at least around € 934 per month for the year 2024, € 992 for the year 2025, including health insurance, as this is the amount the German government calculates as basic need for German students within their Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG). We have compiled a document with Average Cost of Living for Cologne Students, including rent and utility costs as well as food items, mobile contracts or leisure-time events for your information.


TH Köln as well as other institutions offer different scholarships [German] for international students such as the Deutschlandstipendium.

The DAAD offers international students an extensive scholarship database in which students, graduates and scientists can find a wide range of interesting information. The programmes offered in Germany provide financial support for studies, research work or a teaching stay in Germany.

The Department of International Affairs at TH Köln awards end-of-study scholarships to particularly qualified foreign students of TH Köln, who are currently in the final phase of their studies. These scholarships are funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Federal Foreign Office.

Scholarship Database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The DAAD offers international students an extensive scholarship database in which students, graduates and scientists can find a wide range of interesting information. The programmes offered in Germany provide financial support for studies, research work or a teaching stay in Germany.

Scholarships for Refugees

Information about scholarships for refugees can be found here:


The application deadline is 15 December and 15 June of each year.