Publications - Jean Monnet Chair on Youth Work and Non-Formal Education in Europe
This page gives an overview of Prof. Dr. Thimmel’s publications that relate to Europe, as well as publications within the Jean Monnet Chair on Youth Work and Non-Formal Education in Europe. It also provides references to publications by related networks.
Thimmel, Andreas (2021): Reflexive Internationalität in einer postmigrantischen Gesellschaft. In: Seibel, Friedrich W./ Schneider, Armin/ Thimmel, Andreas (eds.): Soziale Arbeit - Begegnung mit Grenzen. Social Work - The Encounter with Borders. Frankfurt am Main: Wochenschau, pp. 64-82.
Prof. Dr. Thimmel deals with the concept of Reflexive Internationality in the Postmigration Society. He refers to historical events in Germany, explains international youth work as political education work and shows the relevance of a critical understanding of education for a post-migrant society. He argues that the concept of "reflexive internationality makes it possible to work on the 'open moments' of a post-migrant and at the same time international society" (p. 67). He explains how this process can be realised. -
Thimmel, Andreas (2021): Wie politisch sind europäische und internationale Austauschprogramme? In: Frech, Siegfried/ Geyer, Robby/ Oberle, Monika (eds.): Europa in der politischen Bildung. Didaktische Reihe. Frankfurt am Main: Wochenschau, pp. 245 - 261.
Prof. Dr. Thimmel is represented with a contribution and deals there with the current question of how politically European and international exchange programmes are to be understood as an area of non-formal education. The volume is edited by Siegfried Frech, Robby Geyer and Monika Oberle and deals with the European Union as an object of learning for teachers and learners. -
Thimmel Andreas (2021): Internationale Jugendarbeit in der Offenen Jugendarbeit. In: Deinet, Ulrich/ Sturzenhecker, Benedikt/ von Schwanenflügel, Larissa/ Schwerthelm, Moritz (eds.): Handbuch Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit. 5th ed. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 707-720.
Prof. Dr. Thimmel is represented with two contributions in the "Handbuch Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit". He presents the field of action "International Youth Work". In his contribution, he shows how the structure and conception of this field of action can be related to Youth Work. According to Thimmel, "Youth Work in Europe" provides a contemporary framework for Child and Youth Work. In this article, Prof. Dr. Andreas Thimmel opens the view for science and practice of child and youth work to increasingly deal with Youth Work in Europe in the future. -
Thimmel, Andreas (2021): Reflexive Internationalität - ein Konzept für die Praxis der Internationalen Jugendarbeit. In: IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V./Forschung und Praxis im Dialog - Internationale Jugendarbeit (ed.): Internationaler Jugendaustausch wirkt. Forschungsergebnisse und Analysen im Überblick. Bonn and Cologne, pp. 367-373.
In this text, Prof. Dr. Thimmel introduces the concept of Reflexive Internationality, which began to develop several years ago (Thimmel 2015), following Franz Hamburger's work on migration and intercultural pedagogy (1999, 2009). The article is a continuation of Thimmel's analysis of concept development in German-speaking international youth work (Thimmel 2012). The concept provides new practical perspectives for current societal challenges, which were most recently outlined as societal scenarios in the 16th Children and Youth Report (cf. BMFSFJ 2020). In this article, the relevance of international youth work is addressed, as it is a relevant field of work for historical and time-diagnostic topics. -
Thimmel, Andreas (2020): Die Bedeutung der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft für die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Deutschland. In: FORUM Jugendhilfe: Im Focus: EU-Ratspräsidentschaft. 03/2020, pp. 4-8.
This article illustrates the opportunities for child and youth welfare given by the German EU Council Presidency. Beneath comments on the opportunities to foster child and youth work on a European level, the author indicates chances to strengthen the European dimension within German child and youth work. -
Thimmel, Andreas (2020): Jugendbildungsarbeit in Europa. In: Bollweg, Petra/ Buchna, Jennifer/ Coelen, Thomas/ Otto, Hans-Uwe. (Hrsg.) (2020): Handbuch Ganztagsbildung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 1221-1234.
This contribution provides an overview on the understanding of Youth Work in Germany and Europe and on their political frameworks. It indicates a lack of comparative research especially in the context of youth work at schools. -
Thimmel, Andreas (2020): "Nicht nur ein Beitrag zur deutschen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Ein Gespräch über soziale Inklusion von der Jugendarbeit an". In: DAADeuroletter. 06/2020. pp. 36-38.
In the conversation, this article is build on, Thimmel illustrates the conceptional and theoretical elements of Youth Work in Germany. Furthermore, he describes the importance of non-formal education, starting from youth work and ongoing to international youth work towards European student exchanges. -
Thimmel, Andreas (2020): Preface. In: Europe for All: Rethinking International Volunteering, p. 7.
The Preface describes the characteristics of volunteer services such as the European Soliarity Corps as settings of nonformal education. Besides, tendencies to functionalize these settings for economic reasons, such as employability, are being problematized. You can find the publication here. -
Thimmel, Andreas (2019): Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Europäischen Integration in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. In: Forum Jugendhilfe. Heft 3/2019, pp. 32-37.
This contribution investigates current challenges for Europe and and the European integration of child and youth welfare. -
Thimmel, Andreas (2018): Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Europa. In: Böllert, Karin (ed.): Kompendium Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. Band 2. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 1667-1692.
This contribution deals with the relevancy of European policy for child and youth welfare in Germany and European cooperation on youth issues. The considerations are relevant for all fields of child and youth welfare, especially in the areas of youth policy, youth work and youth social work. -
Thimmel, Andreas (2017): Politische Bildung in Europa. In: FORUM Jugendhilfe. 4/2017, p. 16-21.
This publication presents relevant initiatives and discourses on political education in Europe. The focus is on extracurricular political youth education. Europe refers geographically and politically to both individual states (and regions) in the European Union and European Council, as well as the European Union and European Council as multilateral organizations. -
Thimmel, Andreas (2017): Demokratische Jugendbildung im Kontext von Migration und Europa. Praxisforschung an der Schnittstelle von Internationalität und Bildung. In: Henn, Daniela/ Prigge, Jessica/ Ries, Karsten/ Lück-Filsinger, Marianne (ed.): Streifzüge durch die angewandte Sozialwissenschaft. Evaluation – Soziale Arbeit – Migration – Sozialpolitik. Dieter Filsinger zum 65. Geburtstag. Münster/ New York: Waxmann, pp. 297-312.
This contribution examines democracy, Europe, internationality, and migration in the context of practice research, and outlines the interconnectedness of democratic youth education in the context of migration, Europe, and necessary practice research. -
Thimmel, Andreas (2017): Youth work and youth social work in Germany. In: Schild, Hanjo/ Connolly, Nuala/ Labadie, Francine/ Vanhee, Jan/ Williamson, Howard (ed.): Thinking seriously about youth work. And how to prepare people to do it. Strasbourg: Council of Europe and European Commission, p. 71-80.
This contribution describes youth work and social work in Germany, and situates it in the context of the debate on youth work in Europe. The opportunities for internationalization in child and youth welfare are a central focus of this text. -
Thimmel, Andreas / Chehata, Yasmine (2015): Jugendarbeit in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Praxisforschung zur interkulturellen Öffnung in kritisch-reflexiver Perspektive. Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.
JiVE. Jugendarbeit international - Vielfalt erleben: Erkenntnisse der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung. In: IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e. V. und Forscher-Praktiker-Dialog Internationale Jugendarbeit (ed.) (2013). Internationale Jugendarbeit wirkt: Forschungsergebnisse im Überblick. 2. Auflage. IJAB, transfer e. V.: Bonn, Köln, pp. 141-156. This publication is available here.
Konzepte der internationalen Jugendarbeit. In: IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e. V. und Forscher-Praktiker-Dialog Internationale Jugendarbeit (ed.) (2013). Internationale Jugendarbeit wirkt: Forschungsergebnisse im Überblick. 2. Auflage. IJAB, transfer e. V.: Bonn, Köln, p. 219-235. This publication is available here.
Further publications can be found on the publication list of the research department for Nonformal Education.