Research - Jean Monnet Chair on Youth Work and Non-Formal Education in Europe
Over the course of the Jean Monnet Chair on Youth Work and Non-Formal Education in Europe, Professor Thimmel will strengthen his teaching and research focus on European youth policy and European youth work.
The research unit Non-Formal Education has already carried out numerous projects on child and youth welfare in Europe. Most projects focused on international youth work. In order to understand the little researched processes of youth work in Europe, the Jean Monnet Chair will conduct a practice research project on European Youth Work. The goal of this research project will be to understand and systemically situate both the diverse initiatives in different countries and overarching processes. The project will be implemented in cooperation with international partners through the European Youth Work Convention.
In addition, several other research projects on European youth policy and European youth work will be carried out by the research unit Non-Formal Education.
Current Research Projects of the Jean Monnet Chair
The research unit Non-Formal Education is conducting an accompanying study of this project, which is funded by Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships. The project is investigating how disadvantage is constructed and its implications for the organization and design of international voluntary services.
“We are Europe!” Young People Develop their own Project Europe
The goal of this project is to contribute to the body of best practices in the context of European political education in open youth work. In addition, the project seeks to integrate European political education in open youth work at the local level.