Tandem program
To address social issues, we need specialists with both academic qualifications and practical knowledge. But finding candidates who have both can be difficult because the academic world and the business sector don't usually intersect much. This is where TH Köln's tandem program comes in.
The tandem program qualifies young researchers academically and professionally. Being employed for a period of up to five years both by a non-university partner and TH Köln, participants additionally acquire teaching skills and are given the opportunity to do their PhD. The goal is to qualify for a professorship at a university of applied sciences.
In addition, the tandem program ensures greater permeability the academic world and the business sector. In concrete terms, this means that the candidates benefit from a reliable career perspective, while at the same time being free to decide after their qualification phase whether they want to continue their career in academia or in business - or combine both.
... for the participants
- Practical experience
- scientific competence
- qualification in higher education didactics
- if applicable, acquisition of a doctorate
... for non-university partners
- staff acquisition and development
- Innovations and joint research projects
- Knowledge and know-how transfer
- Networking
- More permeability between the academic world and the business sector
... for TH Köln
- staff acquisition and development
- Innovations and joint research projects
- Knowledge and know-how transfer
- Networking
- More permeability between the academic world and the business sector
- long-term cooperation with external partners
- more attractive career path towards becoming a professor at a university of applied sciences