Project manager

Prof. Dr. Valérie Varney

Prof. Dr. Valérie Varney

Institut für Werkstoffanwendung (IWA)

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-4144

Project officer

Kate Konkol


  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3021

Project team

Lisa-Marie Friede


  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5256

Laura Wegewitz

Hochschulreferat Justiziariat

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5352

Carolin Brühl

Hochschulreferat Kommunikation und Marketing

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3195

ein rotes und fünf weiße Zahnräder, die ineinandergreifen (Image: Adobe Stock / Shawn Hempel)

Cooperation platform

Achieving more together: The cooperation platform brings together stakeholders from the region to promote staff mobility between science, business and civil society. The cooperation partners support highly qualified specialists in their individual careers with cross-organizational staff development measures.

There is not one clear career path to a professorship at universities of applied sciences (HAW), which is why many vacancies are difficult to fill. University-educated academics are often unfamiliar with HAW as a workplace, and although the number of PhDs at universities of applied sciences is increasing, these PhDs are not enough to meet the demand. Moreover, the career path to a professorship at a university of applied sciences requires both academic and practical professional qualifications, giving the issue of mobility between higher education and non-university fields of work a central role. Permeability between the employment sectors must be further promoted.

This is where the PLan_CV project with the association "Platform for successful models of academics' career, staff and life plan development" comes in. The cooperation platform brings together the stakeholders involved in academic career paths – universities, companies, professional associations, and academics themselves – and provides opportunity for the exchange of needs and joint, cross-regional strategies. The focus of this cooperation is the development of instruments and staff development measures that are oriented toward the life and career development of academically highly qualified persons and increase their mobility between the employment sectors.

In addition to TH Köln, the founding members of the association include the German University Association, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the Cologne Chamber of Crafts, the NRW State Association of University Teachers, KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderungs-GmbH, the University of Cologne and the VDI Cologne District Association. TH Köln acts as initiator in the process of founding the association. In addition, the association's office is located at TH Köln.

Project manager

Prof. Dr. Valérie Varney

Prof. Dr. Valérie Varney

Institut für Werkstoffanwendung (IWA)

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-4144

Project officer

Kate Konkol


  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3021

Project team

Lisa-Marie Friede


  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5256

Laura Wegewitz

Hochschulreferat Justiziariat

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5352

Carolin Brühl

Hochschulreferat Kommunikation und Marketing

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3195