IWRM-MENA Course Coordination

Dr. Suha Almadbooh

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-2826

Integrated Water Resources Management MENA (Master's program) – Application

Application Deadlines

The application deadline is determined by your situation and requirements.

IMPORTANT: Please observe the application periods. We do not accept applications received outside the application periods/deadlines.

Foreign applicants (non-German nationality, non-German Bachelor Degree)

  • Application Period: between 1 February and 31 March each year for intake in September of the same year

German applicants (German nationality or German Bachelor Degree)

  • Application Period: between 1 May and 10 June each year for intake in September of the same year

Application for a DAAD scholarship (only for DAC-List countries)

  • Application Period: between 1 September and 15 November each year for intake in the winter semester (September) of the following year

Please note that the IWRM-MENA master’s program requires:

  • Obligatory semester exchange at German Jordanian University in Jordan (in 3rd study semester)
  • Master’s thesis with a thematic focus on a MENA region under the joint supervision of both university partners


The application by all applicants is to be done in two steps:

1. Register online:

Online application for non-scholarship applicants
Please observe the application deadlines (see above). We do not accept applications received outside the application deadlines.

Online application for scholarship applicants
Please observe the application deadlines (see above). We do not accept applications received outside the application deadlines.


2. Send all the following application documents of the master’s program in digital form via e-mail to IWRM-MENA-application@th-koeln.de

Non-scholarship applicants need to send their digital application as one pdf file, not exceeding 20 MB in size, and organize the documents in the following exact order (1–7). The pdf file must be named according to the following scheme:

Paid_ Nationality ISO_Last_Name_First Name.pdf
Example: Paid_GH_ Smith_John.pdf
Nationality ISO country code

For scholarship applicants, besides the master’s program application, further documents are required for your DAAD scholarship application (see below No. 8). You must send both the master’s program application and the scholarship application in digital form as one pdf file, not exceeding 20 MB in size, to the email address IWRM-MENA-application@th-koeln.de. In the pdf file, you must organize the documents in the exact order (see pdf). The pdf file must be named according to the following scheme:

Scholarship_Nationality ISO_Last_Name_First Name.pdf
Example: Scholarship_GH_ Smith_John.pdf
Nationality ISO country code

1. Curriculum Vitae in reverse chronological order without any unexplained gaps (please use the europass template) including exact information about your studies and practical experience

2. School leaving certificate (i.e., document proving the higher education entrance qualification)

3. University graduation certificate (a certified translation is needed if the original certificate is not in German or English)

4. Academic records of your university study (official transcripts of your academic records with official signature and stamp; a certified translation is needed if the original transcripts are not in German or English)

5. Proof of English proficiency NOT older than five years (TOEFL ibt or ibt at home: 79 points; IELTS Academic or IELTS Indicator: Band score 6.0)
Native English speakers have to prove that English was the language of instruction during their school and university education.

6. A letter of motivation explaining why you would like to study in the IWRM-MENA master’s program (maximum of 500 words), explaining:

  • Your personal understanding of Integrated Water Resources Management (one sentence)
  • Motivation to apply for the joint exchange program in Germany and in Jordan (one paragraph)
  • Motivation to apply in relation to your previous experiences or education (one paragraph)
  • Motivation to apply in relation to your future aspirations or preferred occupation in line with the specialization the IWRM-MENA program offers (one paragraph)
  • Name three main benefits you expect to gain from the program.
  • Name three main contributions you could make to the program.
  • Five arguments about personal characteristics Why should you be selected according to your view? (list)

7. A research proposal related to the IWRM-MENA master’s program (2 pages)

  • The subject and content of the research proposal should be in line with the course content of the master’s program
  • The focus of the research proposal should be on the MENA region
  • The subject must be of significance regarding the current scientific discussion
  • It should be written in adherence with the scientific principles (e.g., structure, citation, sources of literature, methodology, data quality, consistency)

8. For EPOS scholarship applicants, further documents are required (read more)

Documents not complying with the formal requirements, incomplete documents, and late applications will not be considered!

Only applications sent to IWRM-MENA-application@th-koeln.de will be processed.

For inquiries on the application of the program and DAAD scholarship, use this e-mail: info-iwrm@th-koeln.de

IWRM-MENA Course Coordination

Dr. Suha Almadbooh

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-2826