IWRM-MENA Course Coordination

Dr. Suha Almadbooh

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-2826

Integrated Water Resources Management MENA (Master's program) – Scholarships

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers highly qualified applicants a limited number of full scholarships. The current call for applications and necessary application documents for the scholarship for an EPOS study program can be found on the DAAD’s website.

Scholarship applicants, in addition to the application documents of the IWRM-MENA Master’s program need to submit a scholarship application with further required documents.

For detailed information, please check the application requirements and application procedure on the DAAD website.

Scholarship application deadline

15 November each year, for intake in the winter semester (September) of the following year

Duration of the scholarship funding

24 months

+ Who can apply?

Graduates with at least two years of relevant professional experience from the DAC-list countries, including countries of the MENA region

+ Scholarship requirements (Selection of candidates)

  • Candidates fulfill the necessary academic requirements and can be expected to successfully complete a study program in Germany (above-average results for first academic exam – top performance third; non-native English speakers’ language skills with IELTS (Band 6) certificate or TOEFL (minimum score: 550 paper based, 213 computer based, 80 internet based))
  • Candidates have a Bachelor’s degree (usually a four-year course) in a related subject
  • Candidates’ academic degrees should normally not be more than six years old
  • Candidates have at least two years of related professional experience after the first degree (bachelor) at the time of application
  • Candidates work either for a public authority or a state or private company in a developing country and, as such, are engaged in the planning and execution of directives and projects with emphasis on development policies having a bearing on technological, economic or social areas
  • Candidates can prove their motivation is development-related and be expected to take on social responsibility and initiate and support processes of change in their personal and professional environment after their scholarship

+ How to apply

Scholarship application is to be done in two steps:

1. Register online


2. Send all required application documents in digital form via e-mail as one single pdf file, not exceeding 20 MB in size, to IWRM-MENA-application@th-koeln.de. In your pdf file, you must organize the documents in the exact order (see pdf). The pdf file must be named according to the following scheme:

Scholarship_Nationality ISO_Last_Name_First Name.pdf
Example: Scholarship_GH_ Smith_John.pdf
Nationality ISO country code

Please check that your application documents are complete (including all required original stamps and hand-signed signatures) and that all scans are of a good readability before sending them out.

Documents not complying with the formal requirements, incomplete documents and late applications will not be considered!

Only applications sent to IWRM-MENA-application@th-koeln.de will be processed.

IWRM-MENA Course Coordination

Dr. Suha Almadbooh

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-2826