ENREM Double Degree – Program Content
The objective of the Double Degree Master Program is to equip young professionals with expertise in environmental and natural resources management. Through an interdisciplinary learning context, students enhance their knowledge and develop the ability to think across disciplines and from varied perspectives. In addition, they refine their teamwork, leadership skills and intercultural competencies.
The ENREM programme is aimed at graduates and professionals of different nationalities and academic disciplines who wish to enhance their expertise in environmental and resource management. It intends to equip them with interdisciplinary skills as well as regional and intercultural competencies, particularly in the context of German-Latin American cooperation. These skills should prepare graduates to effectively analyse, identify and address complex issues in environmental and natural resource management, while promoting sustainable development in line with the prevailing Sustainable Development Goals.
Please note
A 100% specialization on Renewable Energy Management or Integrated Water Resources Management is not possible.
Module Catalogue ENREM / Module Handbook Master's programs
Academic Calendar ENREM / Semester Schedule
Examination Regulations
Program Structure
The Double Degree Master's Program spans four semesters and starts each academic year in August. The mobility framework of this programme has the participants spending the first academic year in Mexico, moving to Germany for the third semester, with the final semester dedicated exclusively to the research and development of the Master's thesis project. Classes at the UASLP are taught in Spanish, while English is the official language of instruction for the master's programs at the Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems.
The curriculum of the Master's program is a systematic combination of selected modules as well as a mutual recognition of their credit points (ECTS) from both national programs. The entire programme corresponds to 120 ECTS at the TH Köln and 139 credit points at the UASLP.
The first, second and third semesters consist of mandatory and elective modules. The fourth semester is devoted to the Master's thesis and its defense (colloquium).
The structure of the Master's program follows a clear phased approach to the development of following knowledge and skills:
- Leveraging knowledge of all the students, independently of their professional background, during the first semester, with mandatory core courses.
- Sharpening individual profiles in the second (UASLP) and third (TH Köln) semester with mandatory and elective modules related to the Master's Thesis or future professional expertise.
- Applying competencies and skills with the development of the master thesis, field research, and defense in the fourth semester
Focus Areas
Each university and master program have a different focus related to the following areas:
TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences
The Master Program “Natural Resources Management and Development” at the Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems has an interdisciplinary approach:
- Land Use Management, Ecosystem Management
- Regional and Urban Management
- Complemented by Water Resources Management, and Renewable Energy Management.
NOTE: A 100% specialization on renewable energy management or integrated water management is not possible.
Find out more about the Master Program Natural Resources Management
Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí
The Environmental Sciences Master (Maestría en Ciencias Ambientales) at PMPCA has a multidisciplinary context. The specialization and research focus on five core areas:
- Prevention and Control
- Environmental Assessment
- Renewable Natural Resources
- Environmental Management
- Integrated Environmental Health
Find out more about the program structure of the Master of Sciences at PMPCA
Program Overview – Environment & Resources Management with focus on Latin America & the Caribbean - ENREM

Explanations of the contents and terms mentioned in the overview
Core Modules
As participants come from a wide range of professional backgrounds, the six compulsory core modules aim to provide students with a general overview of the various disciplines relevant to natural resources:
- Sustainability and its fundamental concepts
- Challenges related to natural resources and the environment
- Principles of development co-operation, economics and governance
- Project management.
Practice Oriented Modules
The Practice Oriented Modules are team and project based and require the multicultural student groups to work on an interdisciplinary and practical case study. During these project modules, students go through the process of problem definition, theoretical framework, materials and methods, data analysis, proposed solutions and finally design a concept for implementation.
Elective Modules
The elective modules in the second and third semesters are organised in two blocks, one from the "Specialisation Elective for the Double Degree Master ENREM" and the other from the "Methods and Tools" catalogue. Students have to choose a total of eight elective modules in the second (4 electives) and third (4 electives) semesters. Students can choose to specialise in a particular area related to their Master's thesis and deepen their knowledge of different aspects of natural resources management.
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis Preparation
Starting from the first semester and providing mentoring (thesis advances), along the process, with a specific thesis preparation module in the third semester Master thesis work. In the first semester, students select a topic, relevant content and methodology from the PMPCA and NRM elective modules. The topic includes current issues and case studies from research, management and/or development cooperation projects.
Master's Thesis
The fourth semester is dedicated to the Master's thesis, which addresses a current research or management problem. Here, students demonstrate their ability to analyse a problem and to design, conduct and document the relevant research. In doing so, the student applies the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous semesters and demonstrates the ability to plan and execute a project systematically and independently.
For the supervision of the Master's thesis, the student must choose three supervisors "Comité Tutelar (CT)", of which at least one supervisor must be from the Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems and the PMPCA. The third member of the CT may be an external expert. Throughout the period, web-based virtual tutoring will be available to provide a solid and consistent programme, supported by staff from both host universities.
Field Visits
Field visits play a significant role as the exposure to real projects and to relevant institutions is the highest importance to meet the objectives of the master's program.