
Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe

Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)

Chahinaz Ziani

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)

Nora Ellen Lucidi

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme

Eastern Nile Research Universities and Centres (ENRUC)

Nile at Jebel-Aulia-Dam (Image: Lars Ribbe)

The Eastern Nile Research Universities and Centers (ENRUC) is a coalition of leading universities from Egypt, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan, complemented by researchers from water ministries and civil society of these nations and from universities abroad that focus on issues related to the management of the Nile.

Our goal is to provide a hub for Nile research and improve the flow of information, knowledge, and research particularly among members.

General Project Objectives

The Eastern Nile Basin holds high ecological and economic importance within a complex geopolitical setting. Including areas of Egypt, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan, the catchment faces heightened challenges in water availability, intensified by ongoing and planned development projects. Establishing an information exchange platform is imperative to address these challenges effectively.

We plan to accomplish this by organizing two in-person workshops and facilitating monthly online forums. Moreover, the project aims to solidify ENRUC's position as an internationally acknowledged body for scientific discourse by introducing an online platform dedicated to information exchange.

At a Glance

Category Description
Research project Eastern Nile Research Universities and Centres (ENRUCs) – Development of knowledge exchange platforms for enhancing cooperative water management in the Eastern Nile Basin (ENRUC-II) 
Management Project Lead: Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe  Personal Profile
Faculty Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems  More
Persons involved M.Sc. Chahinaz Ziani
M.Sc. Nora Ellen Lucidi 
Sponsors Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)   More
Duration January 2024 - May 2025 
Enruc Sudan Enruc Sudan (Image: Lars Ribbe)

Specific Project Objective(s)

The project objectives will be achieved first by conducting two in-person workshops focusing on cooperative drought management, climate change, and overall development in the Eastern Nile countries (Egypt, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan). Second, between these workshops, regular online forums will be conducted to provide available updates regarding ongoing Nile development projects and negotiations. Guest lectures will complement these online forums and participants from ENRUC will present their research outputs to receive constructive feedback. Finally, the online forums will focus on exploring potential collaborative opportunities.

Nile Research Portal (NRP)

The third specific objective of this project is to launch an online Nile Research Portal (NRP) to enhance the public presence of the ENRUC. The portal will serve as an accessible platform featuring publicly available research and information concerning the Nile Basin. Additionally, the NRP will showcase profiles of ENRUC researchers, connecting them to Nile-related projects and research outputs. Furthermore, a potential expansion of the ENRUC network will be formalized through the creation of a charter to facilitate future sustainability of the network.

Blue Nile Sudan Sunset Blue Nile Sudan Sunset (Image: Bilal Ahmed Hassen Al-Saeedi)

Funding Reference

Logo GIZ

Logo giz (Image: giz)


Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe

Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)

Chahinaz Ziani

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)

Nora Ellen Lucidi

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme