Doing a PhD at the Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems
Around 20 doctoral students are conducting research in various subject areas at the Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems. Supervision is provided in the form of a cooperative doctorate or as part of the Graduate School for Applied Research in North Rhine-Westphalia (Promotionskolleg, PK NRW).
Cooperative Doctorate
As a University of Applied Sciences (UAS), TH Köln does not have its own right to award doctorates. But of course we also have excellent young academics doing research here who would like to do a doctorate in their field. In addition, many UAS professors have research experience and would also like to supervise doctorates. The cooperative doctorate meets all these wishes.
For a cooperative doctorate, UAS join forces with universities to pave the way to a doctorate for their graduates. Universities enable the professors at a UAS to participate in the doctoral process as supervisors, reviewers and examiners on an equal footing. The supervision of doctoral candidates and the first and second assessments are coordinated individually.
At the Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems, this takes place on the basis of agreements between the doctoral candidate, a cooperating university and the supervisor at the faculty. The academic work is carried out at our faculty, the title is awarded by the cooperating university.
You would like to do a Doctorate?
Doctorates at our faculty are supervised exclusively by professors. If you are interested in doing a doctorate, please contact the respective professor directly.
Graduate School for Applied Research (Promotionskolleg) NRW
The "Promotionskolleg NRW" (PK NRW) is a state-wide research network of the universities of applied sciences (UAS) in North Rhine-Westphalia. It offers doctoral candidates and professors an inter- and transdisciplinary research platform with practical relevance that goes beyond the boundaries of individual universities. Within the framework of structured programs that are tailored to the profile of UAS, doctoral candidates receive quality-assured support until they successfully complete their doctorate.
Topics and supervisors
Doctorates at the Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems are supervised exclusively by professors. When looking for a supervisor, we recommend contacting them individually by email or telephone.
An overview of the research areas, office hours and contact details of our professors can be found here.
Academic Career
The Graduate Center is the central academic institution of TH Köln, which represents the interests of doctoral candidates, postdocs and supervisors.
The Graduate Center
In both cases, doctoral candidates receive support from the Graduate Center of TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences. The mission of the Graduate Center is to ensure that doctoral students receive high-quality qualifications and to promote young academics after their doctorate.
The Graduate Center provides support through
- Advice, information and further assistance for doctoral candidates, doctoral students, postdocs and other members of the university involved in the promotion of early career researchers
- Interdisciplinary qualification programs for the best possible support during the doctoral and postdoctoral phase as well as for the further career path
- Measures and instruments for quality assurance and enhancement
- Assistance to ensure compliance with the principles of good scientific practice
- Support measures for early career researchers