Equal Opportunities Officer

Petra Liedtke

Petra Liedtke

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3610

KeyVisual (Image: TH Köln)

Gender equality in organizational development

Gender Monitoring at TH Köln

Our Gender monitoring shows the detailed percentage of women in the various areas and qualification levels at TH Köln.

Female professors sought

TH Köln would like to have significantly more female professors. Through its Professorship Appointment Regulations (Berufungsordnung) (NB: linked document is in German only), the regulatory framework to proactively search for qualified female and male applicants (Section 5 of the TH Köln Professorship Appointment Regulations) and to allow an equality quota (Section 6 of the TH Köln Professorship Appointment Regulations) has been established.
The Central Equal Opportunities Officer and one of her representatives in the faculties are involved in every professorship appointment procedure at TH Köln right from the start, and have a wide-reaching veto and information right.

Potential candidates can obtain all essential information on the professorship appointment procedure at TH Köln on the HR department pages.

Interested parties and female applicants can access further information on preparing for the professorship appointment procedure in the guide to becoming a professor at a technical university/university of applied sciences (“Auf dem Weg zur Professur an einer Fachhochschule/Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften”) by Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen e.V. (bukof, National Association of Women’s Officers and Equal Opportunities Officers at Universities of Applied Sciences), or from the Equal Opportunities Office events “Informationsabend: Auf dem Weg zur Professur” (Information Evening: Becoming a Professor) and “Berufungstraining: Auf der Zielgeraden zur Professur” (Recruitment Training: The Final Stretch to Becoming a Professor). The dates of the events will be announced in due course.

Interested parties and members of appointments committees will be given both general and specific information on applying the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – AGG) in internal professorship appointment workshops. You can find out more about gender bias in science and professorship appointments by clicking on the following link:

Online Tutorial on Gender Bias in Appointment Procedures

Gender/diversity/inclusion at TH Köln

TH Köln actively promotes diversity, diversity of perspectives and equal opportunities and fosters an organizational culture, which considers individual, social and cultural diversity to be valuable, and a sign of quality. You can find an overview of all organizational units that are active in the field of gender/diversity/inclusion in a broad sense here (NB: linked document is in German only)

Equal Opportunities Officer

Petra Liedtke

Petra Liedtke

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3610