MaMOp: Automated optimization of virtual layout planning
In combination with an automated optimization of the positioning of objects, the user has a powerful planning tool at his disposal. In addition to the optimized position, soft criteria such as the surrounding color and the right lighting can be displayed and improved early in the planning process. The research project starts at this point and offers a solution approach.

Project content
The combination of mathematical methods for optimizing the object position and the realistic, immersive visualization of data enables the user to obtain a holistic overview of the planned layout. Real-time changes of the selected scenario regarding lighting intensity, room color and other characteristics can be directly displayed in different situations and daytimes.
The user thus has various setting options at his disposal, which allow the description of the individual target function. Following the optimization, the result of the calculation is presented to the observer almost in real time using a modern Head-Mounted Display (HMD). This allows the viewer to move independently through the virtual factory and to examine or individually change the calculated placement within the selected scenario.
The diagram shows the automated positioning of vehicles in an old factory building.
In conclusion, the planning reliability is thus increased early in the development phase, as structural errors are eliminated and unnecessary costs are effectively avoided. In addition, the individual representation by means of HMD provides a complete overview and allows free movement in the selected environment.
At a Glance
Category | Description |
Research project | MaMOp: Automated optimization of virtual layout planning |
Management | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Ruschitzka, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Margot Ruschitzka |
Faculty | Automotive Systems and Production |
Partners | Hoersch & Hennrich Architekten GbR |
Sponsors | Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) |
Duration | 03.2015 - 02.2017 |