Doctoral researchers network at the Leverkusen campus
On November 16, 2023, the 17th Afternoon of Doctorates took place - for the first time at the new Leverkusen campus. The theme of the event was "Networks in the doctorate". In addition to a wide range of impulses, the doctoral researchers had the opportunity to exchange ideas with other doctoral researchers and the university management.
Images from the 17th Afternoon for Doctorates
Afternoon for DoctoratesThe event began with a tour of the campus by the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences, Prof. Dr. Matthias Hochgürtel, during which some of the faculty's doctoral researchers opened their laboratories and gave those present exciting insights into their research. 32 of the currently around 250 ongoing doctoral procedures at TH Köln are supervised here.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Becker, Head of the Graduate Center and Vice President for Research and Knowledge Transfer, warmly welcomed all those present and referred to the Doctoral School for Applied Sciences NRW as the central doctoral network of the universities of applied sciences in NRW.
After an interactive introduction on the topic of "Networks in science" designed by Dr. Helen Overhoff and Mirjam Heetkamp from the Graduate Center Service Office, Dr. Antje Schultheis, long-time coach in the coaching program for doctoral researchers at TH Köln, and Dr. Birgit Szczyrba, Head of University Didactics at the Center for Teaching Development at TH Köln, shared impulses and experiences on the topic of networking in scientific practice, which the doctoral researchers were then able to reflect on and apply in an interactive exchange.
The Afternoon of the Doctorate is organized once or twice a year by the Graduate Center of TH Köln in cooperation with the doctoral spokespersons of TH Köln. The event has been taking place since 2012.
The 18th Doctoral Afternoon is planned for October 22, 2024 on the Deutz campus.
Further information on the Afternoon of Doctorates and on the offers, workshops and support programs for doctoral researchers at TH Köln can be obtained from the Graduate Center.
November 2023