We're here for you
Graduate Center Service Desk is the central point of contact for doctoral researchers, postdocs and supervisors at TH Köln.
We offer advice on the following topics:
- How to become a doctoral researcher
- Support in drawing up cooperation agreements and supervision agreements
- Assistance in challenging situations and conflict counseling (doctoral crises, support, etc.)
- Organizational topics related to the doctorate
- Funding opportunities
- Supervision of doctoral researchers
You are welcome to contact us
- if you have any questions about our events
- to register at Graduate Center
- with comments and suggestions
- when you have completed your doctorate
You can contact us:
- By email to graduatecenter@th-koeln.de
- By phone at +49 221-8275-3300
- Open Zoom consultation (without appointment) every Tuesday from 9.30-10.30 am
Join Zoom meeting
Meeting-ID: 880 9241 5096
Kenncode: 083752 - You are welcome to make an consultation appointment. Feel free to leave us a voicemail - we will get back to you as soon as possible!