Advice and information

Karin Oberzier

Karin Oberzier

Hochschulreferat Studium und Lehre
Team Career-Service

  • Campus Deutz
    Betzdorfer Straße 2
    50679 Köln
  • Room ZN 2-2
  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3068

Keyvisual Working@TH Köln (Image: Adobestock/silverarts)

Working@TH Köln – Experience Academia

There is still room for improvement in terms of diversity within academia. In 2022, for example, 52% of first-year students were female, while only 28% of professorships were held by women. To counteract this as early as possible, TH Köln has launched the "Working@TH Köln - Experience Academia" program for student assistants (SHK for short).

About the program

The program and its goals

“Working@TH Köln – Experience Academia” brings students and professors together. Students are hired as research and teaching assistants. In the process, they expand their academic skills, learn about possible career paths in science and gain an insight into the career profile of the professorship at a university of applied sciences.

The goal of this measure is to motivate and encourage as diverse a group of students as possible to pursue an academic career. Diversity has a positive effect when working together as a group and is an essential part of the self-image of TH Köln. In the context of "Working@TH Köln", we understand diversity as the diverse composition of a group of people. A diverse composition means that people differ, for example, in terms of their gender identification (male, female, non-binary), their nationality or their educational background. These different dimensions of diversity influence what advantages and disadvantages people have, and we try to counteract this with "Working@TH Köln".

Time frame

"Working@TH Köln - Experience Science" is a temporary learning arrangement in combination with an assistantship for professors. This means that, in addition to your work as a student assistant, you will receive offers for further training for an academic career.

Registration for the winter semester 2024/25 is closed. Thank you for you applications. As soon as the next application phase has been determined, it will be announced on this website.


This measure will receive financing from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding line if the abovementioned criteria are fulfilled. The Career Service can advise you on the application process.

Information according to target groups

Zwei Studentinnen tauschen sich beim Working@TH Köln-Gettogether aus. (Image: TH Köln/Michael Bause)

For students

Are you at least in your 3rd Bachelor semester during the participation period and would like to get to know the work of a student assistant?


Zwei Professorinnen tauschen sich beim Working@TH Köln-Gettogether aus. (Image: TH Köln/Michael Bause)

For professors

Do you want to support students on their career path? Are the promotion of young talent and diversity important to you, and are you looking for support for your research project and your teaching area?


“Working@TH Köln – Experience Academia” is part of the project “Rethinking professorial careers at universities of applied sciences: Collaboration and networking” (PLan_CV). Its goal: Finding excellent candidates for professorial careers at TH Köln, and achieving greater permeability between the academic world and the business sector. The project’s budget of 12.4 million euros is funded through the Federal Ministry of Education and Research program to attract and qualify professorial staff for universities of applied sciences.

Logos BMBF und GWK Logos BMBF und GWK (Image: BMBF/GWK)

Advice and information

Karin Oberzier

Karin Oberzier

Hochschulreferat Studium und Lehre
Team Career-Service

  • Campus Deutz
    Betzdorfer Straße 2
    50679 Köln
  • Room ZN 2-2
  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3068