Information for students
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Target group and participant selection
Bachelor's students who are at least in their third semester at the start of participation can apply. In order to promote diversity in the development of academic skills, the program aims to address students in their diversity and designs the selection process accordingly.
Requirements for the student assistant
Students will apply their knowledge to a real-life research project and support scholarly work. They will improve their transfer skills by applying the study content to questions from teaching and research, and will collaborate on practice-oriented solutions. This will expand their academic skills and knowledge. The university sponsorship not only ensures that professional results are achieved, but also facilitates a reflective learning process that positively impacts the student assistant’s professional further development. The program requirements do not permit students to be employed as tutors.
Why take part in “Working@TH Köln - Experience Academia”?
- You will gain your first practical experience in an academic working environment.
- You will get to know TH Köln better from the perspective of university employees.
- You will work on current research topics and expand your skills in scientific work.
- You will gain insight into the university and academia, and familiarize yourself with the work of professors and academic staff.
- You will receive a fixed salary for a temporary period of time (Information for student assistants).
- The proximity to your place of study makes it easy to balance your studies and your job, and you benefit from flexible working time at TH Köln.
- Find out whether a career in science is an option for you and get advice from the Career Service.
Target group
Who should apply?
Applications are open to Bachelor students who are at least in their 3rd semester at the start of the program and who have not yet worked as a student assistant. We cannot accept Master's students, students who are about to graduate or students who have already completed a first degree in their current subject.
Who are we looking for?
"Working@TH Köln" is an exciting entry-level opportunity for students with no previous experience as a student assistant. With us, you will have the opportunity to develop valuable skills and enhance your academic competences in an inclusive environment. We are particularly looking for motivated students with different dimensions of diversity. These include gender, disability and chronic illness, educational background, nationality, sexuality and religion. If you have any questions, please contact the coordinator, Karin Oberzier.
Why do we care about diversity?
The programme aims to improve access to science and research for under-represented groups and to promote equal opportunities. The current homogeneous composition of the scientific community means that people from other social groups are not adequately represented. In addition to moral considerations that justify increasing the diversity of the scientific staff at TH Köln, research also shows that diverse teams contribute to an increase in the quality of scientific results.
What is the time frame for the SHK Activity?
The SHK activity can last between 3 and 5 months with a scope of 8 to 15 hours per week depending on the needs of the supervising professors and the availability of the students. A maximum of 180 hours can be applied for.
Participation in the offers of the learning arrangement are part of the working time.
At TH Köln, we also offer student assistants the opportunity to work remotely. This is done in consultation with the supervising professor.
Can I do the SHK job while studying?
Working as a student assistant whilst studying is usually quite feasible and is seen by many students as a way of supplementing their income and gaining practical experience in their subject area. Most student assistant positions are designed to fit around your studies. Professors take students' schedules into account and offer flexible hours and mobile working. However, it is important that you consider your own resilience and time management to ensure that you can meet the demands of both your studies and your job.
What are the requirements? What qualifications should I have?
There is no general answer to this question for positions at "Working@TH Köln", as you are not applying for a specific job profile, but for a position as a student assistant in general. However, you should have an interest in your field of study and the content taught there, as well as the motivation to gain further experience in this field as a student assistant. During the matching process, the selection committee will assess how well your professional expertise matches the job description of the professors at our institution. This assessment is crucial in order to ensure that you are able to carry out the tasks assigned to you efficiently and to provide support for research projects or courses.
What does a typical SHK job look like?
The activities of a student assistant can vary depending on the subject and research area as well as the requirements of the professor. Within the framework of "Working@TH Köln", it is equally important to us that you gain insight and experience in teaching, research and practical units. Some classical tasks of student assistants are for example
- Research support: Student assistants can help with various research projects. This can include data collection, data analysis, literature searches or even helping in the lab;
- Assisting with course preparation, e.g. maintaining the Moodle platform, compiling teaching materials;
- Assisting with the preparation of publications: In some cases, student assistants may support the preparation of research papers, reports or other publications by collecting literature sources, assisting with writing or helping with formatting;
- Archiving and database maintenance: Student assistants may help to archive research data, maintain databases and organise information.
- Experiments and protocols: Student assistants can help to carry out experiments and carry out laboratory activities. They may also write protocols and prepare laboratory equipment. The exact requirements will be communicated to you when you contact the professor.
What does the accompanying program look like for the duration of the "Working@TH Köln" program?
During your work as an SHK within the framework of "Working@TH Köln", we will accompany you with lectures and workshops on the subject of "Working in the science system - career paths at a university of applied sciences". At the beginning of the programme, we will also organise a kick-off event on site where all participants of "Working@TH Köln" can get to know each other and start networking. In addition, the Career Service offers accompanying counselling. This additional service is included in your working hours.
Selection process
How can I apply?
Registration for the winter semester 2024/25 is closed. As soon as the next application phase has been determined, it will be announced on this website and you will be able to apply using a form.
How does the matching between student assistants and professors work?
The matching is done after the application deadline by a selection committee consisting of the program team, the project management and the coordination of PLan_CV. We carefully examine all applications in terms of motivation, interests and mapping of the diversity dimensions against the profiles of the applications we have received from the faculties. You can also indicate in the application form one or more professors with whom you would like to work. We will then check to see if a match is possible with one of the suggested individuals.
When will I get feedback on my application?
If you do not meet the formal criteria above, you will receive a rejection as soon as we receive your application. All other applicants will receive binding feedback on the outcome of their application by 20 June 2024 at the latest.
Once I have received an offer, what happens next?
As soon as you receive your letter of acceptance, please contact the Faculty Office. A summary of the most important information will be emailed to you beforehand.
If I have been rejected, can I apply for the next round?
You are welcome to reapply for the next round the following year, provided that it fits into your study schedule.
Can I only take part in the program once?
Unfortunately, once you have participated in "Working@TH Köln", it is not possible to apply again.
Other questions
Will I receive a certificate at the end of my SHK employment?
You are entitled to a certificate at the end of your SHK employment. Please contact your personal contact person in the University's Human Resources Department.
Who can I contact if I have problems during my SHK employment?
We want you to have a positive experience at "Working@TH Köln". If you have any problems or conflicts, we will be happy to help you and work together to find a solution. Please contact the coordinator of "Working@TH Köln":