
Project Lead

Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe

Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)

CCIKM NAP Web Portal Geodatabase and Climate Finance Tracking Management System

Hütten in Bangladesh im Wasser nach einer Überschwemmung (Image: AdobeStock 510447888 Abdul Momin)

The UN Development Program (UNDP) commissioned TH Köln to develop the “Climate Change Information Knowledge Management Portal” for Bangladesh.

The overarching objective of this project is the development of a web-based knowledge sharing platform on climate change to support the implementation of the National Adaption Plan (NAP) of Bangladesh. In particular, the platform will facilitate long-term adaptation investments and improve national capacities for integrating climate change adaptation into planning, budgeting and financial tracking processes in relevant sectors (agriculture, water, environment, energy, planning, etc.). This project is part of a GCF (Green Climate Fund) funded program to support NAP implementation on a national level.

The following outcomes are targeted by the project:

  • Outcome 1: Strengthening institutional coordination and climate change information and knowledge management for medium- to long-term planning
  • Outcome 2: Evaluation and prioritization of adaptation options and formulation of a national adaptation plan
  • Outcome 3: Development and testing of decision-making tools based on the level of climate change risk by planning and budget departments at national and sectoral level
  • Outcome 4: Establishment of a suitable nationwide mechanism for tracking adaptation investments and creation of a financial plan for the medium and long-term implementation of climate change adaptation (CCA)

Beneficiaries of this project

  • the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC),
  • the Ministry of Finance,
  • the Ministry of Planning,
  • Key figures working on programming relevant to climate change adaptation in the areas of water resources, agriculture and food security, coastal zones and urban neighborhoods (the “priority sectors”)

At a Glance

Category Description
Research project CCIKM, NAP Web Portal, Geodatabase and Climate finance Tracking Management System  
Management Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe 
Faculty Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems 
Institute Institute of Technology and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT) 
Persons involved - Joschka Thurner
- Oscar Baez
- Mofiz Rahman  
Partners - Sreejon, software company in Bangladesh
- Arena Phone BD Ltd., software company in Bangladesh
- Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
- 52° North GmbH, Münster
- Mr. Aaron Firoz  
Sponsors UNDP 
Duration 2021-2022 

United Nations Development Programme


UNDP-Logo (Image: UNDP)


Project Lead

Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe

Prof. Dr. Lars Ribbe

Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme
Institute for Natural Resources Technology and Management (ITT)