PIONEER Coordinator

Ture Petersenn

Ture Petersenn

Hochschulreferat Internationale Angelegenheiten

Prof. Dr. Udo Nehren at the InCITIES Scientific Café "Nature in the City" on June 27, 2024

The project "InCITIES-Trailblazing inclusive, sustainable and resilient cities" organizes regular virtual networking events for scientists of the consortium, in which current research projects and topics are presented and discussed.

Überblick des Programm für das InCITIES Scientific Café am 27. Juni von 12:30 bis 14:00 Uhr. Die drei Speaker sind Dr. Beatrice Bechet der Université Gustave Eiffel, Prof. Dr. Udo Nehren der TH Köln, und Dr. André Samora-Arvela des University Institute of Lisbon InCITIES Scientific Café Programm (Image: University Institute of Lisbon)

The fourth of these "Scientific Cafés" will take place on June 27, 2024 from 12:30-14:00. Prof. Dr. Udo Nehren, Vice Dean of Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure at TH Köln, will give a lecture: "Nature-based solutions to mitigate extreme climatic events in Cologne-Bonn Region: Challenges and approaches".

Interested lecturers and scientists of TH Köln are cordially invited to participate in this event.

Please contact for access data to the event and/or if you have any questions.

We look forward to your participation!

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June 2024

PIONEER Coordinator

Ture Petersenn

Ture Petersenn

Hochschulreferat Internationale Angelegenheiten