Health and Safety

Studying abroad can be a truly wonderful and unique experience. However, critical and unexpected situations cannot always be avoided. Here you will find information just in case something does happen. With this in mind, have fun, enjoy your time in Cologne and take good care of yourself!

Emergency numbers
In case of emergencies, the following telephone numbers are valid in Germany:
- Police: 110
- Emergency doctor and fire department: 112
We recommend that you save these emergency numbers directly so that you can respond immediately in an emergency. These calls are free of charge from all telephone networks.
The emergency telephone number within the EU is 112. You can call this number free of charge from any EU country and at any time.
Search for doctors
If you are looking for medical care in a doctor's office or in a hospital, the following websites can help you:
How to find a multilingual doctor
Please be sure to bring your health insurance card with you to every medical visit.
Not all private health insurances issue a health insurance card. If you have not received a card from your private insurance company, please take the insurance certificate with you. Some providers will issue you a separate document, which you should present to the doctor. It contains important information for billing purposes.
Emergency Services
If you fall ill on a weekend or outside regular office hours and need urgent medical help, you can find information about the emergency services at the following links.
Please always bring your health insurance card with you to the medical consultation.
Not all private health insurance companies issue a health insurance card. If you have not received a card from your private insurance provider, please bring your insurance certificate with you. Some providers will issue you a separate document, which you should present to the doctor. It contains important information for billing purposes.

Pharmacies also have emergency services so you can get medications at night and on weekends. You can find out which of these emergency pharmacies are on notices at all pharmacies or online under the Emergency Service Search.
Counseling for psycho-social difficulties
In case of problems during their studies - no matter if it is about study stress, personal crises or just the need to "talk to someone" - students of TH Köln have access to various offers of the AStA and the Kölner Studierendenwerk for counseling.
Study with disability, chronic or mental illness
Statistically, about eleven percent of all students have a handicap. These include physical impairments, chronic illnesses such as diabetes or tumours, dyslexia and mental illnesses such as depression. Your impairment should not be an obstacle to your studies, so make use of our counselling services!
Tips for everyday study life
- Safety
- Warn App NINA in the App Store With the emergency information and news app, in short warning app NINA, you receive important warnings from the civil protection. You can change the language in the app.
- Warn App NINA in the Google Play Store
Germany is a safe country - even by international standards. The police are trustworthy and available around the clock. A call to 110 is all it takes.
It is not only the police who help international students in emergency situations. Almost every country in the world has an embassy and consulates in Germany. If problems arise, there are also local contact persons from the home country.

Lost and Found Offices - Seek and you shall find!
If you should ever lose your wallet, bag or backpack, forget it on public transportation or have it stolen in the commotion, you can turn to various lost-and-found offices.
Note: Report the loss to the police immediately. Please note that it can take up to two weeks for lost property handed in to the police, for example, to arrive at a lost and found office and be registered.
MultiCa gone?
If your MultiCa is damaged, invalid or lost, the Office of Student and Examination Services on your campus will issue you a new card.