Before You Leave

Time to say goodbye! You have studied one or two semesters at TH Köln, made new acquaintances, got to know a new city and its surroundings and hopefully learned to love it. Before you go home with these positive experiences, you should consider the following tips.
The points listed are intended as a guideline. It may well be that not every one of them is relevant to you.
At TH Köln
Check whether all the necessary steps have been carried out in Mobility Online.
Get the necessary signatures from your departmental coordinator for your Learning Agreement "after Mobility".
Think of your Confirmation of Departure (CoS) early on. This document is mandatory for Erasmus+ students. If you are satisfied to receive the CoS as a digital document, please send us an e-mail with the following information shortly after your departure
- Your full name
- Date and name of your last exam or course activity at TH Köln
- Name of the responsible examiner/instructor
- (If desired: the CoS template of your home university. Otherwise you will be issued your CoS with TH Köln's template).
If your home university requires the CoS on paper, please inform yourself about our service hours at your campus location and come to our open consultation hours for exchange students a few days before your departure.
Print your Transcript of Records (ToR) via PSSO. Please note that your access to PSSO will expire six months after your departure. If you need an original signature and stamp on your ToR, or if not all academic achievements are listed, please contact the Office of Student and Examination Services on your campus.
Important - Language courses: If you would like to have language courses (except German as a Foreign Language) listed on your transcript, please send the corresponding certificate to your respective Office of Student and Examination Services. The study office will then enter the language courses on your transcript.
Important - Missing grades/courses: If grades/courses are missing on your transcript, please contact the respective lecturer or your respective Office of Student and Examination Services.
Inform your departmental coordinator of your departure.
Please note that you will no longer have access to your smail account after de-registration / after the end of the semester. We therefore recommend that you integrate your smails into an external mail program so that you can save the e-mails there and access them at any time. Information on this can be found at the site of our IT department.
Please save documents and all relevant information from ILIAS, if you wish to access them after your departure. Your access to ILIAS will be blocked after your exmatriculation.
Return all books, magazines, etc. to the library.
Spend the remaining balance on your MultiCa, as you will not get the money back.
Unsubscribe from mailing lists.
At the city
Terminate your tenancy agreement with the Kölner Studierendenwerk or your landlord in due time. Be sure to obey the notice periods in your tenancy agreement.
Make an appointment with the dormitory office of your dormitory or with your landlord to hand over the keys. Make sure that you leave the room or apartment in the condition in which you found it. This is the only way to get your deposit back.
Cancel your bank account. If you need a certificate of exmatriculation for this, you can request it at the Office of Student and Examination Services of your campus.
Cancel your health insurance if you have taken out one in Germany. You may need a certificate of exmatriculation to do this.
De-register at Cologne’s Resident’s Office.
De-register from the Public Broadcasting Licence Fee (GEZ). You will need your de-registration from the Resident's Office.
Cancel all other contracts, such as mobile phone, internet, gym, etc.
Thank you very much for your stay at the TH Köln. The entire Department for International Affairs wishes you all the best for your future academic career. We would be delighted to see you again in the future - whether as a Master's student or as an intern.