Cemil Uraz

Campus Südstadt
Claudiusstraße 1
50678 Köln

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3009


Answers to the most frequently asked questions.

+On which topics can I give feedback?

TH Köln stands for an open and constructive feedback culture. In addition to direct and personal dialogue with those department(s)/ person(s) to whom you would like to give feedback, feedback management is a further university-wide contact point for your input.

We welcome your feedback on any and all topics that affect you at TH Köln.

For example: say you are a prospective student and would perhaps like to tell us about your first experiences with and impressions of TH Köln. Or: is there anything particularly positive about your current studies that you would like to share with us, or are there specific points of criticism or a need for clarification? Do you work at TH Köln yourself and see potential for improvement? Or have you already completed your studies at the TH and are interested in a review to initiate improvements to your degree programme so that future students can benefit from your experiences?

+What are the limits of TH Köln's feedback management?

TH Köln’s feedback management does not offer legal advice. If you are a student at TH Köln and require such advice, please contact the legal counselling service of the AStA of TH Köln, for example.

Also, feedback management does not process formal objections. For information on how to lodge an objection, please refer to the information on legal remedies that is automatically given in the decision that you wish to appeal. The examination board of your faculty is in charge of all formal matters concerning examinations and the recognition of previous learning.

We are also unable to accept applications for a enrolment. However, we will be happy to help you find the right way to apply or refer you to the relevant offices (e.g. Student Advisory Service, Student Office or International Office).

+Why does TH Köln have feedback management?

TH Köln's feedback management serves as a contact point for any concern regarding academic affairs, organization, and service. It is our goal to identify areas of opportunity based on the feedback we receive and take appropriate measures. On top of that we – as a neutral third party – strive to enhance dissatisfactory processes and issues in a constructive and sustainable way. This way, all members of the university, especially students, can engage in the university’s development process.

+What does ‘feedback’ mean?

‘Feedback’ is any response or notification, be it a suggestion, complaint, question, or compliment that refers to academic affairs, organization, and/or service of TH Köln. We are happy to hear about your ideas for improvement, too!

+How can I contact you?

You can give us feedback using the contact form on this website. You can also contact us by regular mail, email, phone, or in person (by appointment).

+Who will process my feedback?

Our first point of contact is feedback manager Jana Gibhardt Engle. If she cannot solve your concern in a satisfactory way and wants or needs to escalate it, she will check every case individually to see whom to involve on a higher level. If necessary, concerns can even go to TH Köln's Executive Committee (President’s Office).

+How will my feedback be processed?

Every piece of feedback is made anonymous before further processing. Then the department / person(s) involved are asked to review the matter and provide a statement and, if necessary, initiate appropriate countermeasures. The statement and information on counter measures will be reported back to you, the sender. If you are satisfied with the result, the matter will be closed; if you are not, we will assess which further steps can be taken. These may be implemented after consulting with you, the sender.

+When will feedback be escalated?

We escalate feedback to the next appropriate level if its relevance or impact goes beyond the responsibilities of the individual involved and if the feedback is relevant for a larger group of people, another organizational unit or the whole university.

+How long does it take to process my feedback?

We confirm the receipt of your feedback within 1-2 working days. In your confirmation email you will find your ticket number. Please include this number whenever contacting us. The maximum processing time is three weeks. If it becomes apparent that the matter cannot be solved within that time, you will be informed about the current status and further measures. If your concern is urgent, please consider contacting us by phone or in person.

+Is my feedback confidential?

TH Köln's feedback management commits to treating the whole feedback process confidentially and in accordance with data protection laws. Without the sender’s express permission no personal data will be forwarded to a third party and/or the responsible institution or person. We need your contact information to communicate with you to clarify any questions we might have and/or inform you about the results of your feedback. That is why your name and email address are mandatory in the contact form.

+How do you create transparency?

We regularly publish statistics, reports and measures initiated by us on our web site. There is also a meeting with student representatives once a year. Minutes of those meetings are also available on our website.

+To whom can I turn for a face-to-face contact?

Your contact person for all questions regarding our feedback management is Katrin Fischer. Please call in advance to make an appointment: +49 221 8275 – 3015, or email her at feedback@fh-koeln.de.

Cemil Uraz

Campus Südstadt
Claudiusstraße 1
50678 Köln

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3009