GLOBUS Network
Experts From All Over – GLOBUS research fellows come from various cultural environments and backgrounds, ranging from business administration and international economics over cultural studies to communication and international education scholars and practitioners.

Meshach Aziakpono
is a Professor of Development Finance and until April 2013 was the Head of Development Finance Programmes at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB). Before joining the USB he was Associate Professor of Economics and the Coordinator of Master’s Programme in Financial Markets in the Department of Economics and Economic History at Rhodes University, South Africa. Meshach Aziakpono has worked as a consultant among others for the OECD Centre, The World Bank and African Economic Research Consortium (AERC). He has been a visiting scholar to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and INSEAD in Singapore. He obtained his PhD degree in Economics from the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein in South Africa. His PhD Thesis titled: “The Depth of Financial Integration and its Effects on Financial Development and Economic Performance of the Southern African Customs Union Countries” won the Founders’ Medal for the best PhD dissertation in Economics in South Africa. He has vast experience in teaching, research, consulting and postgraduate research supervision. His research interests include: Economic and Financial Integration; Financial Sector Development in Africa; Development Finance in Africa; Applied Econometrics.
Amalia Di Iorio
is a Professor of International Finance at the La Trobe University, Australia. She has written and lectured on financial topics at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in Australia and Asia. Her research interests include: International Finance; Emerging Markets; Corporate Finance and Investments.
Andres Gallo
is a Professor of International Economics and Director of the International Business Flagship Program at the Coggin College of Business, University of North Florida, USA. His research interests include: Economics; Latin American Economics and International Business in Spanish Speaking Countries; Economic Development and International Trade.

Bogdan Góralczyk
is a Professor at the Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw, Poland. He is the former Ambassador of Poland to Thailand, the Philippines and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Burma). He was also Chief of the Cabinet of the Polish Foreign Minister and a long-term diplomat in Hungary. Prof. Góralczyk has published several books and international refereed articles and book chapters on contemporary international affairs, European integration, China and Far-Eastern affairs as well as post-communist transformation. His research interests include: Globalization; the Role of the EU on the Global Arena; International Order; the Role of Diplomacy in Modern World.

Sylvia Heuchemer
is a Professor of Economics and Quantitative methods at TH Köln. Currently, she is serving as the President of TH Köln. She is also Co-Director of the GLOBUS Institute. She is a strong advocate of internationalization of higher education. Her research interests include: the Role of Culture in the Economy; International Economics; Quantitative Methods.

Stefanie Kleimeier
Stefanie Kleimeier is Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance and Banking at the Open University (The Netherlands). She also holds the position of Associate Professor of Finance at the Maastricht University and Professor Extraordinary at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (South Africa). She earned her doctorate at the University of Georgia (USA) in 1993. She received grants from the German Academic Exchange Service, Dutch Science Foundation and the European Credit Research Institute, consulted with the EU and the Center for European Policy Studies and taught graduate courses in 11 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. She is a member of the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Financial Economic Policy and of the editorial board of Applied Finance Letters, International Review of Financial Analysis, Finance Research Letters and Journal of Financial Research. Stefanie Kleimeier’s research has been published in academic journals including the Journal of Financial Intermediation, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Financial Stability, Applied Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Management and the Journal of International Money and Finance. Her research interests include: Financial Market Linkages and Integration; Banking; Syndicated Lending and Project Finance.

Jeffrey Michelman
is a Professor of Accounting at the Coggin College of Business, University of North Florida, USA. His research interests include: International Accounting; Organizational Culture; Accounting Fraud; Healthcare Information Systems.

Felix Miebs
is a Professor of Econometrics and Financial Markets at TH Köln. He holds a business Diploma from Goethe University Frankfurt and a doctoral degree from European Business School in Wiesbaden, Germany. Before joining TH Köln, Felix worked as a quantitative analyst for an asset management boutique in Frankfurt and as an asset liability management consultant in Bad Homburg, Germany. Felix has published in the Journal of Banking and Finance and serves as an ad-hoc reviewer for the Journal of Banking and Finance, the North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, and the Journal of Banking Law and Banking. His research interests include: Financial Economics; Investments; Empirical Finance; Applied Econometrics.

Nirav Parikh
is a lecturer in Finance at RMIT University, Australia. He has 20 years’ experience working in the finance industry. He has lectured on financial topics at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels in Australia and Singapore. His research interests include: Initial Public Offerings; Corporate Governance; Emerging Financial Markets; Financial Markets Regulation.

Vikash Ramiah
is an Associate Professor in Finance at University of Wollongong in Dubai. Vikash has been teaching economics and finance courses at UNISA, RMIT, University of Melbourne, La Trobe University and ACU since 1999. He has published in academic reputable journals and his paper is one of the most read paper in Applied Economics. Vikash supervises numerous PhD students and is an expert reviewer for several finance journals, organisations and serves on editorial boards. He was an elected board member of the RMIT University Business Board, program Director of OUA and acting Board member at the ACFS. His industry experience involves ANZ, the Australian Stock Exchange, the Finance and Treasury Association of Australia and the Australian Centre for Financial Studies. Other services to the community includes being a research fellow for Institute of Global Business & Society, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Tianjin Academy of Environmental Sciences, Academic Advisers & Collaborators at Behavioural Finance Australia, External Examiner at the University of Mauritius and reviewer the University of Technology Mauritius. He has established his leadership both domestically and internationally as he is appointed as a Professorial Research Associate at Victoria University, Adjunct Professor at Ton Duc Thang University and Adjunct Associate Professor at UniSA. His entrepreneurial leadership is demonstrated through securing 700k of software sponsorship (per year) to set up the first trading dealing simulation room in South Australia. His research areas are Financial Markets; Behavioural Finance; Environmental Finance.

Ridwan D. Rusli
is a microeconomist and former investment banker and chemical engineer. He is Professor of International Management Accounting, Finance and Strategy at TH Köln. He previously taught public economics and industrial economics at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and at the University of Luxembourg, and sponsored finance case studies at MIT Sloan School of Management. He holds graduate degrees in economics, management, chemical engineering and chemistry from University of Luxembourg, MIT and TU Berlin. Before returning to academia he worked as chemical engineer in the US and Germany, management consultant in Germany, investment banker in Europe and Asia, CEO of an Asian oil company and as independent financial and M&A advisor out of Singapore. His research interests include: State-Owned Firm and Public-Private Partnership Financing and Regulation; International Strategy; Innovation and M&A; Energy, Infrastructure; Natural Resources and Environmental Policy.

Harald Sander
is a Professor of International Economics at TH Köln. He is also Director of the GLOBUS Institute. He has worked as consultant for institutions such as the European Union, the United Nations Development Programme, the Centre for European Policy Studies or the Goethe Institute. His research interests include: Global and Regional Financial Market Integration; Industry and Business Environment Analysis; Industrial Policy; International Graduate Management Education Experience. His most recent research focuses on Europe’s changing role in the global economy and sustainable global finance.
Kateryna Syniakova
is a research associate at TH Köln. In particular, her research interests include: HRM and Labor Economics.

Jeffrey W. Steagall
Since 2011, Dr. Jeff Steagall has been the dean of the Goddard School of Business & Economics at Weber State University, where he is also Professor of Economics and holds the Buehler Chair in Leadership. He has won multiple awards for outstanding teaching. He was named the University of North Florida’s Distinguished Professor in 2009. His research interests include: Economics of Education; Economic Development; Study Abroad.

Thanh Truong
holds a PhD in Finance and is a lecturer in finance at the School of Economics, Finance and Marketing at RMIT University (Australia). He is an emerging researcher with his research interests including: Corporate Finance; Corporate Governance; Investments.

Steffen Wolfer
is working as a research associate at GLOBUS and the Schmalenbach School of Business and Economics, TH Köln. His research interests include: Eco-innovation in China; Innovation Strategies and Management; Sustainability; Internationalization.
Wang Qingshi
is a Professor of Statistics at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE) in China. His research interests include: Quantitative Economics; Internationalization of Higher Education.