Campus Südstadt, Claudiusstraße (Image: Costa Belibasakis/TH Köln)
Prof. Dr. Harald Sander

Prof. Dr. Harald Sander

  • Campus Südstadt
    Claudiusstraße 1
    50678 Köln
  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3419

Events – Jean Monnet Chair

Past Events

Symposium "Europe in Turbulent Times"

Farewell of Prof. Dr. Harald Sander, holder of the Jean Monnet Chair “Europe in the Global Economy”, 16th January 2025

The "Europe in Turbulent Times" symposium was held to honor the all-too-soon retirement of our highly respected and distinguished colleague, Prof. Dr. Harald Sander. The festive and joyful gathering brought together numeruous colleagues, friends, and students to celebrate Harald's significant contributions to academia and European cooperation. An outstanding moment was when Prof. Dr. Alojzy Z. Nowak (Rector of the University of Warsaw) awarded Harald Sander the Medal of the University of Warsaw, recognizing his unwavering commitment to strengthening bilateral connections between Cologne and Warsaw.

A recap of the symposium with many memorable impressions can be found in the events section of the Globus website.

Eurpean Thematic Weeks: Quo Vadis Europa?

Lecture and Discussion, 8th May 2019

What about the future of Europe? What are the internal and external challenges facing the European Union? These questions were the focus of the event "Quo Vadis", the contribution of the TH Cologne to the European Thematic Weeks of the Cologne Science Forum, to which Prof. Dr. András Inotai, Willem Noë and Prof. Dr. Harald Sander could welcome more than 80 participants.

Impressions from the event can be found here.

Participants of the Summer School 2018 at the European Commission Participants of the Summer School 2018 at the European Commission (Image: Andrea Droste)

Summer School Participants in Brussels

On the 17.05.2018 the participants of the Summer School  visited the European Commission in Brussels. Willem Noë from the EU-Commission, DG NEAR, gave a lecture on the Enlargement of the European Union. The participants had the opportunity to ask questions concerning the future of the European Union as well as to do some sight-seeing in Brussels.

Jean Monnet Chair delivers Keynote Lecture on Retail Banking Market Integration and Financial Stability in the Eurozone

In the Jean Monnet keynote lecture on the International Conference on Banking and Finance at the University of Warsaw on 10 July 2017, entitled “Whatever it takes: Retail Banking Market Integration and Financial Stability in the Eurozone”, Prof. Dr. Harald Sander highlighted the role of retail banking market integration for turning a still incomplete European Monetary Union into a more stable currency union.

The main message of the lecture is that retail banking market integration goes some way to provide more urgently needed risk sharing in the Eurozone, yet this might not be enough for two major reasons. First, the Banking Union is still incomplete. In particular, a single European fiscal backstop for the single resolution mechanism and the still lacking European deposit insurance is required. Secondly, given the empirical evidence on the reluctance of retail banking markets to integrate, additional public risk sharing is needed. Ultimately some fiscal solidarity in the Eurozone is necessary to make the monetary union sustainable.

On May 15th the participants for the Summer School 2017 arrived at TH Köln from UNF Florida, USA, and Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, in order to take part in the Summer School program, lead by Prof. Dr. Sander. The students attended a wide-ranging program covering international trade and European business environment, as well as company visits and field trips in the area.

Jean Monnet Workshop “Financial Globalization and its Spillovers”

On 16-17 February a top-level Jean Monnet workshop on “Financial globalization and its spillovers -monetary and exchange rate policy in times of crises” took place at TH Köln. The workshop was attended by a mix of top scholars and practitioners as well “rising stars” in the field. A major objective was to stimulate the dialogue between international scholars and practitioners.

As part of this workshop a special public event “25 Years after Maastricht: The Future of Money and Finance in Europe” took place at Maastricht University in the afternoon of February 16. The event featured keynote speeches by Benoît Cœuré,  Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank and Professor Barry Eichengreen, University of California at Berkeley.

For an impression of the event, the following videos were recorded:

25 Years after Maastricht: The Future of Money - keynote speech Coeuré

25 Years after Maastricht: The Future of Money - keynote speech Eichengreen Part 1

25 Years after Maastricht: The Future of Money - keynote speech Eichengreen Part 2

25 Years after Maastricht: The Future of Money and Finance in Europe - Panel Discussion

Erasmus+ (Image: (Image: TH Köln)

Jean Monnet Lecture at USB University of Stellenbosch Business School

On February 9, 2017 Professor Harald Sander delivered a Jean Monnet Lecture at USB University of Stellenbosch Business School on “Banking Market Integration in the Euro Area“. It addressed both a wider audience of academics and students and – in particular – a group of PhD students specializing in development finance.

Willem Noë (right) in discussion with Prof. Dr. Felix Miebs from TH Köln Willem Noë (right) in discussion with Prof. Dr. Felix Miebs from TH Köln (Image: (Image: TH Köln)

Guest Lecture by Mr. Willem Noë from the EU-Commission Willem Noë

Willem Noë from the EU-Commission, DG NEAR, has given a lecture on the Past, Present and Future of the European Union to TH Köln and RMIT University students on 16 January, 2017. The Australian students attended the summer school regularly organized by the Jean Monnet Chair at TH Köln. Especially issues regarding the refugee crisis and BREXIT were discussed intensively.


  • On May 30, 2016, Mr. Willem Noë from the EU Commission, DG NEAR, has delivered a lecture on “The Past, Present and Future of the European Union” at TH Köln (10-12:30 am, Mevissensaal, Claudiusstrasse 1, 50678 Köln) to the participants of the GETEUROPEAN Summer School.
  • Harald Sander, holder of the Jean Monnet Chair has delivered his 2016 Jean Monnet Lecture “After the Storm:  Rebalancing Sovereignty And Stability in the Euro Area ” at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management on April 24, 2016.
Die Teilnehmer der Podiumsdiskussion Panel Discussion (Image: (Image: Heike Fischer/TH Köln)

  • Jean Monnet Lecture by Harald Sander at University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management, “The Past, Present and Future of European Banking Market Integration”, November 2015.
  • Dr. Grzegorz Tchorek from University of Warsaw  is guest of the Jean Monnet Chair at TH Köln from April to May, 2015. Dr. Tchorek is a visiting scholar. His visit is financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU. Next to developing a joint research agenda, Dr Tchorek delivers several lectures on the “Institutional Framework of the Euro Area”.
  • On January 8, 2015, Mr. Willem Noë from the EU Commission, DG NEAR, deliveres a public lecture on “The Past, Present and Future of the European Union” at TH Köln (5-7 pm, Mevissensaal, Claudiusstrasse 1, 50678 Köln), followed by a discussion with the Jean-Monnet Chairholder. The public lecture is open to all students and faculty.
Prof. Dr. Harald Sander

Prof. Dr. Harald Sander

  • Campus Südstadt
    Claudiusstraße 1
    50678 Köln
  • Phone: +49 221-8275-3419