Laboratory for Drivetrain Technology
Experimental and analytical activities in the field of vehicle powertrain with a focus on the powertrain of urban vehicles. This includes, for example, the determination of load collectives, transmission synthesis and the increase in efficiency of drive trains.
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Roller test bench

Single axle roller test bench for a maximum vehicle speed of up to 200 km/h and suitable for vehicle power measurement up to 140 kW.
Key Activity Drivetrain Component Efficiency - CoEffy

Efficiency improvement of drivetrain components by test-rig based measurement. Targeting load-unrelated losses, focusing on the development of urban vehicles. The Twizy gearbox is used as an example for optimization and with the objective of its value for teaching.
Key Activity Individual Load Cycle - ILoC

GPS and pitch angle based calculation of user specific load cycles for automotive components. Measurement and collection of data on microcomputer boards, targeting customized drivetrain components focusing on urban vehicles.
Low Power Efficiency Test Rig

This is a 2-shaft test bench with high accuracy drag torque measurement with National Instruments measurement equipment and data recording via LAN. A decentralized analysis and visualization of the measurement results is carried out. Lubrication issues are made visible by the use of plexiglas housings.