Studierende schreiben eine Prüfung (Image: adobe stock)

Withdrawal from module examinations

After the deadline for cancelling a registration for a module examination (usually one week prior to the examination) has passed, students need to present a valid reason in order to withdraw from an exam.

If the Examination Board authorizes your withdrawal, your corresponding registration will be deleted and you will not lose an examination attempt. Therefore, the reasons for missing or withdrawing from an exam must be forwarded to the responsible Examination Board in writing and without delay and must be substantiated accordingly.

Please note that the Examination Board of your respective program may have adopted regulations which slightly differ from those stated above. Please contact your Office of Student Services to inquire whether this is the case for your program.

Should you withdraw from an examination due to sickness, you are required to submit a medical certificate confirming that you are unable to take an exam on the examination date within three business days. Please email the certificate from your smail address to the Office of Student Services responsible for your program.

Please note: Reduced performance due to an (impending) examination situation, e.g. due to test anxiety, does not qualify as inability to take an exam.

Important note:

If your physician confirms your incapacity of work, this is not equivalent (and in this case not sufficient) to the incapacity to take an exam. Please make sure that your physician confirms that you are not able to take an exam, ideally using the form which is available for download above. Alternatively, your physician may issue a separate certificate. Please submit the completed form in due time to the Office of Student and Examination Services responsible for your program, either attached to the medical certificate or alternatively with section 2 ('Erklärung des Arztes') completed by your physician. It is sufficent to submit a scan of the documents to the Office of Student Services. Make sure to use your university email address (smail address). Do note that you are required to keep the original document for at least two months and to submit it upon request. For further information, please read the information provided on the withdrawal form (Form confirming the inability to take an examination).

Do note that the Office of Student Services do not confirm the receipt or processing of your withdrawal from an exam. Make sure to check PSSO regularly - the respective exam(s) will be marked as "entschuldigter Rücktritt"/"excused withdrawal".

If you are unable to take an examination you bindingly registered for due to the fact that your child is sick, please submit the medical certificate your pediatrician normally issues for employers ('Ärztliche Bescheinigung für den Bezug von Krankengeld bei Erkrankung des Kindes'; 'form 21') to the Office of Student Services. On this certificate, he/she is to confirm that your child is in need of nursing or care for reasons of sickness. By signing on the bottom half of the form, you confirm that no other person was able to handle this duty.

Potential costs incurred are to be borne by you. You are required to submit your medical certificate immediately – usually within three business days – to the Office of Student Services.


Office of Student and Examination Services
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Student and Examination Services.