TH Köln and its partners reaffirm cooperation in the PIONEER Alliance

On January 24, 2024, TH Köln and its nine partner universities in the PIONEER Alliance signed a Mission Statement on the tasks and goals of the PIONEER Alliance.
On January 24, 2024, TH Köln and its nine partner universities in the PIONEER Alliance held a groundbreaking meeting for the future of the university alliance at the University of Huelva in Spain.
At their meeting, the rectors and presidents of the consortium’s universities signed the Mission Statement of the PIONEER Alliance.
The PIONEER Alliance places the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 11 and thus the realization of inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities at the center of its work. The aim is to put educational capacities, research and innovation potential and the ability to collaborate with local ecosystems at the service of realizing the cities of the future.
In this context, Prof. Dr. Herzig emphasized the value of cooperation between the partner universities: "We believe that working together is good for us, that we can find better solutions more easily if we use our strengths together - not only for the benefit of our associated cities and communities, but also, one day, for the benefit of developments in Europe and the world."
With the signed Memorandum of Understanding as its foundation, the PIONEER Alliance is participating in the call for proposals of the European University Initiative 2024. The result is expected in June 2024.
February 2024