TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences Pharmamanager in Barcelona - Students poster presentations

Sarah Lehmann and Sarugen Ravindra graduates at the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences at TH Köln published the results of their work in Barcelona at the ISPOR Europe 2018 in form of a scientific poster.
Sarah Lehmann, graduated from the Master's program Drug Discovery and Development and Sarugen Ravindra, graduated from the Bachelor’s program Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences at TH Köln published the results of their work in Barcelona at the ISPOR Europe 2018 in form of a scientific poster. Lehman and Ravindra both wrote their theses under supervision of Prof. Dr. Yvonne-Beatrice Böhler, MBA.
Lehmann’s poster was published with the title "The EMA Clinical Data Website – a Conceptual Exploratory Approach to Benchmark Clinical Development Indicators in Marketing Authorizations".
The objective of Sarah's work was to give an overview of the published clinical studies in accordance with the "European Medicines Agency Policy on publication of clinical data" and to analyze the available clinical development pathways.
The Poster is publicly available on the following website: ISPOR
From the diverse insights gained from the various departments in the Master's Program Sarah was able to place into context the most important aspects in clinical development and apply these in her Master’s thesis. “The opportunity to participate at an International conference to present my work highlighted the interest and was a great experience.”
Ravindra’s poster was published with the title: „Evolving Indications – An analysis of indication fields over time based on German prescribing information“.
Within selected diseases, he compared the „Anwendungsgebiete“ in German prescribing information. These were examined with regard to generalisations and specifications. Indication fields that showed a development over time were also examined with regard to a linkage with existing evidence for approval.
Overall 356 German prescribing information were evaluated. In regard to the linkage with existing evidence for approval, it was analysed that these were not fully covered. In the case of diabetes mellitus type 2, patient groups in the prescribing information were listed in the „Anwendungsgebiete”, which according to the associated trials were not included.
The Poster is publicly available on the following website: ISPOR
Scientific poster presentation at the ISPOR Europe 2018
January 2019