
Student Council

Campus Deutz/IWZ
Betzdorfer Str. 2
50679 Köln
Room: ZO-04-11

Opening hours: Send us an e-mail, and we will arrange an appointment.


Current events and (student council) dates

Student Council of the study programs at the Faculty of Spatial Development & Infrastructure Systems

We are the voice of the student body and express our opinions on lectures, module content, schedules, exams, and professors, as well as other teaching staff. The goal of all our activities is to continuously improve the study offerings and the well-being of the students.

Fachschaft der Fakultät für Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme Student Council of the Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems (Image: Lukas Brücher)

We, the student council of the programs at the Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems, are a group of eight students. We were democratically elected, and our main task is to represent the students to the authorities of the faculty.

Language courses, parties, movie nights...

... are also part of our responsibilities. We organize extracurricular activities such as language courses, summer and winter parties, movie nights, and more.

If you have any questions or problems related to your studies, we are here to help.

The Student Council 2024

Lukas Brücher, Laura Guayacan, Jonah Hahn, Ashwinkumar Kadam, Maximilian Kamp, Guillermo Mendoza, Emily Claire Otto, Jules Stemann


Student Council

Campus Deutz/IWZ
Betzdorfer Str. 2
50679 Köln
Room: ZO-04-11

Opening hours: Send us an e-mail, and we will arrange an appointment.


Current events and (student council) dates