FFI Banner Webseite (Bild: TH Köln)


Let's stay in touch and make the Cologne region the top address for start-ups together!

»Fit for Invest«

Connecting universities, investors and the region with start-up teams: With "Fit for Invest", Cologne's four largest universities are joining forces and making start-ups "investment-ready". The project merges know-how, innovation and capital and strengthens the start-up ecosystem.

A joint entrepreneurship strategy for the Cologne region.

  • Increasing the "investment readiness" of science-based start-ups.
  • More and qualitatively better start-ups with secured growth financing.
  • Closer integration of Cologne's universities with the (inter)national start-up and investor scene.
  • Jointly make the Cologne region the top address for start-ups.
EXIST Fit for Invest Projektlogos (Image: THK, UzK, DSHS, RFH, hgnc, EXIST, BMWi)

Become a partner of our network!

FFI Kasten THK (Image: TH Köln)Networking within the region.

Become part of the investors network!

FFI Kasten UzK (Image: TH Köln)"Make Ideas Work - everywhere."

Support our international network!

FFI Kasten DSHS (Image: TH Köln)"Starting Up With Sport Sciences."

Support start-up ideas with sports focus!

FFI Kasten RFH (Image: TH Köln)"The Open Innovation Platform."

Become a Challenge Partner!


Let's stay in touch and make the Cologne region the top address for start-ups together!