New paper accepted - Shepherd: a generic approach to automating website login
Automatic logging on websites is a difficult challenge, but necessary for researchers that want test post-login aspects at scale.
In specific, the diversity of sites and the availability of credentials make such an undertaking cumbersome. In this paper, we present Shepherd, a large scale logging in framework, which we test with database based on crowd-sourced credentials. In our study, we reach 7113 websites, an order of magnitude higher, than previous best effort. How we got to this, and how this will fertilise future web measurements, is answered in our paper.
Stefan Karsch is a full professor at TH Köln. Benjamin Krumnow is a PhD student at the Open University Netherlands and a research assistant at TH Köln. Both teach in our Web Science programme. The paper was accepted will be presented at Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web 2020 (MADWeb20), a workshop co-located with the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2020 (NDSS20).
By Hugo Jonker, Stefan Karsch, Benjamin Krumnow and Marc Sleegers
February 2020