Erasmus+ Incoming Staff Mobility - Registration

You will be visiting TH Köln within the framework of the Erasmus+ Incoming Staff Mobility (KA171) and have already received an official letter of invitation from your contact person at TH Köln?

If so, please register for your stay as early as possible, so we can prepare all the necessary administrative matters for your stay in order for you to be able to start right after your arrival at TH Köln.

Please enter your data into the input mask and TH Köln will process your information for the purpose of preparing and administrating your stay. The data will be processed by the International Scholar Services and, if necessary, passed on to other university institutions for administrative purposes. The data will not be passed on to third parties.

Legal basis for the processing of the data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a) GDPR. If you do not complete or submit this form, you will not be able to receive an ID card, login details, etc.

The data will be deleted as soon as the purpose for which it was collected is no longer relevant.

You have the possibility to change and/or delete your personal data at any time. Responsible for this data processing is:

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

General Information

Your stay at TH Köln

Purpose of your stay *

Your bank account details

Further details

Do you already have German language skills? *
Do you already have accommodation? *