DAAD Language Certificate

You would like to apply for a DAAD scholarship for a semester or internship abroad? Here you will find out how you can prove the required language skills.
Target group
The DAAD Language Certificate has been designed for students at TH Köln who would like to apply for a DAAD scholarship for a semester or internship abroad.
Note for students of the Institute of Translation and Multilingual Communication (ITMK): For a test in English, French or Spanish, please contact the person responsible at ITMK.
Test procedure
Depending on the number of participants, the test takes between 60 and 90 minutes and comprises the following skills and competences listed in the DAAD Language Certificate:
- Reading
- Writing
- Oral interaction
Dates and registration
In order to register please fill out the online application form. In addition, please submit your letter of motivation and the form "DAAD Language Certificate" via email.
Current test dates English
Apr 9, 2025, 09:45 am, Campus Deutz
(Registration until Mar 26, 2025, 12:00 noon)
Subject to change.
Current test dates Spanish
Mar 20, 2025, 11:00 am, Campus Deutz
(Registration until Mar 6, 2025, 12:00 noon)
Subject to change.
Further languages
- Dates upon request -
In order to register for the DAAD Language Certificate please fill out the online registration form.
In addition, please send the following documents in two individual PDF files by e-mail to daad-sprachnachweis@th-koeln.de:
1. Letter of motivation (approx. 300 words)
Your letter of motivation written in the target language should contain
- a detailed description of the purpose for which you need the language certificate and your motivation for going abroad in the context of your degree course,
- information about your language learning biography (languages you have already learned in the past; where, how and for how long you have learned these languages).
Please note that we cannot admit you to the test without the letter of motivation, as it helps us prepare the test, especially the part testing your oral interaction skills.
2. Form "DAAD Language Certificate"
Please download the form as a PDF file and enter your personal data in the document. We recommend reading all parts of the form before your test date.
After your binding registration, you will receive a confirmation of registration with additional information.
After the test
The DAAD Language Certificate can usually be picked up after 5-7 working days at the SLZ Seminar management office. Depending on the number of participants, the processing time may take longer. You will receive further information when you take the test.
Please note that this test has been specifically designed for the DAAD Language Certificate. You should, therefore, clarify in advance whether or not this certificate is sufficient for your purposes, as we cannot certify the test results in any other form.
Whether the test result can serve as a placement for any upcoming modules of the SLZ is to be determined individually by the language coordinator in charge.
The test cannot be repeated directly. You will have to wait at least three months before you can register again.