Research Projects

Voice_Directivity-LOGO (Image: TH Köln)

Investigations on the perception of dynamic directivity of human voice (Voice Directivity)

The project investigates the physical properties of dynamic voice directivity and determines perceptual thresholds for the temporal resolution.

TIFL-LOGO (Image: TH Köln)

Low-frequency immissions in recreational noise

For the audience of an event, it is art. For the people living in the area affected by an event, it is noise.

logo viwer-s (Image: TH Köln)

Binaural hearing in the real and virtual world to improve school children's hearing experience (VIWER-S)

The VIWER-S project aims to improve the hearing experience of school children. In cooperation with the Jade University of Wilhelmshaven / Oldenburg / Elsfleth, we are developing aids to enhance the hearing capabilities of children with a weakness in spatial auditory perception.