Infoevent German Labor Market

Information Event, 25/06/2025

A woman has graduated, shows a thumbs up, in the background is the German flag.  (Image: Syda Productions -

For international students, entering the German job market is a major challenge. What career opportunities do I have with my degree? Where can I find job offers for my field of study? How do I apply correctly? For this reason, the information event is aimed primarily at international students who would like to work in Germany after graduation.

At a Glance

Infoevent German Labor Market

Information Event


  • 25/06/2025
  • 17:00 to 20:00
  • add to my calendar


Mensa Zülpicher Straße 70, Ground Floor South.
Mensa Zülpicher Straße on the Map


free of charge

Academic coordinator

Federal Employment Agency

Organized by

Federal Employment Agency, Kölner Studierendenwerk and Cologne public universities.
More Information

Additional information

The event is available to TH Köln international (PhD-) students only.

Event language

German and English

Time Zone


About the program:

The Federal Employment Agency will present itself and its offers in a kick-off lecture and answer your questions about the job market and job search. Afterwards, specific questions about your own application can be discussed in more detail with competent advisors in a speed coaching session, and a look at your personal application portfolio with subsequent feedback is also offered.

The lectures will be translated in English.

Team International Degree-Seeking Students