Doctoral convention


Juliane Ressel

Juliane Ressel

Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5123

Deputy Speaker

Louisa Rinsdorf

Louisa Rinsdorf

Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften

  • Phone: +49 2261-8196-6570

Get-together of the doctoral researchers of TH Köln

Networking event, 23/10/2023

Networking event

At a Glance

Get-together of the doctoral researchers of TH Köln

Networking event


  • 23/10/2023
  • from 17:00


Cologne Südstadt

Academic coordinator

Speakers of the doctoral convention

Additional information

Dear doctoral researchers,

Our community is constantly growing: we are pleased to have morethan 200 ongoing doctoral projects at TH Köln! We would like to invite you to a casual get-together. We look forward to meeting new doctoral researchers and catching upwith old faces. Everyone is welcome, whether you have just started or have beenhere for a while, no matter which campus you come from.

You can join us at three different places: We start at 17:00 in front of the north wing of the GHU building (Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54). Then, we will walk together to the main entrance of the campus at Claudiustr. 1 (around 17:15). After walking and talking, we will have earned some refreshments. We will stop at the Johann Schäfer Brauhaus (Elsassstr. 6) at around 18:00. We can exchange ideas and network over a glass or two of Kölsch and a tasty bite to eat there. In addition to brewery classics, the kitchen also offers vegetarian and vegan dishes. With this in mind: Wenn de nit küttst, dann trinken mer dei Kölsch! (If you don't come, we'll drink your Kölsch!) A last piece of information: everyone pays for their own Kölsch and food.

We look forward to an entertaining networking evening in our doctoral community!

Best regards and see you then,
Louisa, Juliane & Eva

Doctoral convention


Juliane Ressel

Juliane Ressel

Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5123

Deputy Speaker

Louisa Rinsdorf

Louisa Rinsdorf

Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften

  • Phone: +49 2261-8196-6570