PPCP Researchers give Workshop in Petra
“Multidisciplinary Approaches in Cultural Heritage: Archaeology • Conservation • Analytical Sciences” Knowledge and awareness – multidisciplinary knowledge transfer in the scope of the PPCP workshop – an international contribution to the preservation of the UNESCO world heritage site Petra in Jordan.
Within the scope of the multidisciplinary Petra Painting Conservation Project (PPCP) (285789434), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) a workshop was held on “Multidisciplinary Approaches in Cultural Heritage: Archaeology • Conservation • Analytical Sciences” both in English and Arabic in the Petra Archaeological Park, carried out between 17.-21.03. 2019. 20 Jordanian participants gained both theoretical as well as practical insights into multidisciplinary approaches in cultural heritage.

PPCP Team and workshop participants in the Petra Archaeological Park Office, March 2019 (Image: TH Koeln - CICS - Ayman Yaghi)

Opening Session of the PPCP Workshop held in Petra’s Visitor Centre of the Petra Archaeological Park (Image: TH Koeln - CICS - Rebecca Tehrani)

Introduction into the Nabataean water management system presented by Prof. Dr. Stephan G. Schmid (HU Berlin) in the Petra Archaeological Site (Image: TH Koeln - CICS - Rebecca Tehrani)

Tour through the Siq of the UNESCO world heritage site Petra guided by Prof. Dr. Stephan G. Schmid (HU Berlin) (Image: TH Koeln - CICS - Rebecca Tehrani)

Q.Tweissi (PAP), M.Atoom (DoA-Jerash D.) Z.Abbadi (DoA-Amman D.) S.Rawajfeh (PAP), Prof. A.Heritage FIIC ACR (TH Köln) and P.Agoridou M.A. (HU Berlin) (Image: TH Koeln - CICS - Rebecca Tehrani)

Discussion about risk management between Prof. Adrian Heritage FIIC ACR (TH Köln) and PPCP workshop participant Zaid Abbadi (DoA-Amman Directorate) (Image: TH Koeln - CICS - Rebecca Tehrani)

Practical session on in situ investigation held by R.Tehrani M.A. (TH Köln) with PPCP workshop participants H.Nawafleh (PAP) und H.Farajat (PAP) (Image: HU Berlin - Polytimi Agoridou)

PPCP workshop participant Taher Falahat (PAP) investigates salt efflorescences on the Nabataean wall paintings in ez-Zantur using raking light (Image: TH Koeln - CICS - Rebecca Tehrani)

PPCP workshop participant Haleemah Nawafleh (PAP) investigates Nabataean wall paintings in ez-Zantur using magnification glasses (Image: TH Koeln - CICS - Rebecca Tehrani)

Session on imaging techniques held by A.Yaghi M.A., M.A. (TH Köln) to H.Nawafleh (PAP),S.Rawajfeh (PAP), M.Rawajfeh (PAP) und W.Nawafleh (PAP) (Image: TH Koeln - CICS - Adrian Heritage)

Analytical session held by Prof. Dr. B.Kanngießer (TU Berlin) and M.Na’es M.Sc., M.A. (TU Berlin) to D.Masha’leh (PAP), M.Rawajfeh (PAP) and S. Rawajfeh (PAP) (Image: Petra Archaeological Park - Qais Tweissi)

PPCP workshop participants H.Nawafleh (PAP), H.Farajat (PAP) and H.Amarat (PAP) carrying out XRF measurements (Image: TU Berlin - Maram Na'es )
Experts on their respective fields conveyed knowledge in archaeology (Prof. Dr. Stephan G. Schmid, Polytimi Agoridou M.A.), conservation (Prof. Adrian Heritage FIIC ACR, Rebecca Tehrani M.A., Ayman Yaghi M.A., M.A.) and analytical sciences (Prof. Dr. Birgit Kanngießer, Maram Na’es M.Sc., M.A.). Participants received the opportunity to experience Nabataean wall painting in situ and to improve their aptitude through practicing manual, photographic and microscopic documentation. Furthermore, they had the chance to gain experience in analytical investigation methods on wall painting and sculpture. The overall approach of the workshop was based on ethical and preventive conservation considerations of cultural heritage.
May 2019