Faculty of Social Sciences

TH Köln
Campus Südstadt
Ubierring 48, 50678 Köln


Prof. Dr. Birgit Jagusch

Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

Petra Ladenburger

Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

Talk time

Thursday 18:00 – 19:00 Uhr per Zoom and on request personal
Meeting-ID: 858 5758 2031
Kenncode: 886645

Anti-Discrimination Office at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences

Dear Students of the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences,

have you observed discriminatory behaviour by other students, teachers or employees at the university or are you yourself concerned/affected? And you do not know how to deal with it?

We are here for you! Regardless of whether the situation is acute, in the past or a minor incident that troubles you.  We offer you a safe space and will listen to you.

In the first step we look at the facts and your needs together. You decide what happens in the consultation and afterwards – we always act in close agreement and document your case anonymously.

We understand discrimination as unequal treatment without an objective reason combined with socially constructed difference categories such as race, class, ability, religion, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity.

We want discrimination to stop!
Those who are discriminated against should be given support and solidarity on structural and individual levels. It is important that their perspectives are included automatically and equally and that they remain able to act by themselves.
At the same time, we want the people discriminating against others to be(come) aware of their privileges and their (structural) power. They should understand when they are causing damage and how they can act in solidarity instead.

If you want to:

  • just talk to someone who listens to your concerns
  • know how to act next time
  • be accompanied during a converstaion with a person who has shown discriminatory behaviour
  • change a seminar due to discrimination
  • have more workshops and seminars that raise awareness about discrimination or empower people
  • initiate structural changes within the faculty

then we look forward to a message via e-mail and/or a personal meeting:


In case of discrimination outside the campus, please contact our colleagues:

Öffentlichkeit gegen Gewalt e.V.

  • Phone: +49 221-96476300

Caritasverband für die Stadt Köln e.V.

Caritas-Servicestelle Antidiskriminierungsarbeit
Jinan Dib, Tel: 0221-98577618
Kornelia Meder: 0221-98577 137

Faculty of Social Sciences

TH Köln
Campus Südstadt
Ubierring 48, 50678 Köln


Prof. Dr. Birgit Jagusch

Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

Petra Ladenburger

Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften

Talk time

Thursday 18:00 – 19:00 Uhr per Zoom and on request personal
Meeting-ID: 858 5758 2031
Kenncode: 886645