Terminology and Language Technology (Master's program)

Studierende bei der Arbeit im Computerraum (Image: Thilo Schmülgen/FH Köln)

The Master's program in Terminology and Language Technology qualifies students with an undergraduate degree to take on professional positions in the field of terminology work and language technology in a company, public organization or as a freelancer.

Further information on the Master's program in Terminology and Language Technology is available in German: Terminologie und Sprachtechnologie (Master)

At a Glance

Category Description
Program Terminology and Language Technology 
Degree Master of Arts (M.A.)  
Type of program Full-time program 
Beginning of program Winter semester 
Program duration 4 semesters 
Credits 120 ECTS credits 
Language of instruction German 
Campus Südstadt Campus 
Restricted admission No 
Mandatory foreign language English 
Additional requirements Program-related aptitude test