Special applications

Prospective students applying for programs with restricted admission may be eligible to submit a special application ("Sonderantrag") if they meet certain criteria.

Application for a program with restricted admission

The different types of special applications that may be submitted by eligible applicants to Bachelor's programs with restricted admission are listed below. Please note that applicants to Master's programs may only submit an 'Application for special admission (Military/social service, top athletes)' or an 'Application for special admission for cases of exceptional hardship'. 

Additional information on special applications incl. application checklists
Application for disadvantage compensation (improved average grade)
If exceptional circumstancs prevented you from obtaining a better average grade, you may submit this application.
Information on applications for disadvantage compensation (improved average grade), incl. application checklist (Bachelor's programs)
Application for disadvantage compensation (waiting period bonus)
If exceptional circumstances prevented you from obtaining your Higher Education Entrance Qualification at an earlier date, you may submit this application.
Information on applications for disadvantage compensation (waiting period bonus), incl. application checklist (Bachelor's programs)

Application for special admission (Military/social service, top athletes)
You can submit this application
a) if TH Köln offered you admission prior to or during your service. Your Letter of Admission must have been issued during one of the last two admission periods and for the same program you are now applying to.
b) if you are a member of one of the following teams of the Federal Sport Association's (Bundessportfachverband) at the time of application:
- Olympic or paralympic team or A team
- Secondary team or B team
- Junior team 1 or 2 or C team or C/D team
- Team sports squad ('Teamsportkader')

Information on applications for special admission (military service/top athletes), incl. application checklist (Bachelor's/Master's programs)

Confirmation form for top athletes [in German]

Application for special admission for cases of exceptional hardship
If exceptional circumstances justify your immediate admission to your desired program, you may submit this application.
Information for applications for special admission (exceptional hardship), incl. application checklist (Bachelor's/Master's programs)
Application for admission under the underage student quota
If you are an underage student living close to Cologne University of Applied Sciences and in the same household as your parents, you may submit this application.
Information on applications under the underage student quota, incl. application checklist (Bachelor's programs)

General information on the submission of applications

Special applications can be submitted through our online application platform as part of your application for admission. Supporting documents are uploaded to the online platform.

Special applications can be submitted until the application deadline, even if the application for admission has already been submitted. In this case, click on "Withdraw and edit application" in the applications overview. You will then be able edit your application and add a special application.

Get in touch

Office of Student and Examination Services
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Student and Examination Services on your campus: