Rescue Engineering (Bachelor's program)

dPS-Übung (Image: Labor für Großschadenslagen/FH Köln)

Your goal is to make the world a little safer? The Bachelor's program in Rescue Engineering combines basic engineering knowledge with the necessary expert knowledge required to develop innovative and efficient concepts for hazard control and prevention. The program is offered by the Faculty of Process Engineering, Energy and Mechanical Systems.

Further information on the Bachelor‘s program in Rescue Engineering is available in German: Rettungsingenieurwesen (Bachelor).

At a Glance

Category Description
Program Rescue Engineering  
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) 
Type of program Full-time program 
Beginning of program Winter semester 
Program duration 7 semesters 
Credits 210 ECTS credits 
Language of instruction German 
Campus Deutz Campus 
Specializations Rescue Engineering, Fire Safety Engineering 
Restricted admission Yes