Media Informatics (Master's program)

Präsentation einer Studentin im Seminar (Image: Bastian Müller/FH Köln)

The Master's program in Media Informatics is an opportunity for graduates of undergraduate programs in computer science to expand their knowledge of IT processes and systems. Students of our master's program become experts in designing, producing, editing, distributing and using media-based information. Graduates are qualified to fill leadership positions or may choose to do a doctorate.

Further information on the Master's program in Media Informatics is available in German: Medieninformatik (Master)

At a Glance

Category Description
Program Media Informatics  
Degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) 
Type of program Full-time program 
Beginning of program Summer semester or winter semester 
Program duration 3 or 4 semesters 
Credits 90 or 120 ECTS credits 
Language of instruction German 
Campus Gummersbach Campus 
Restricted admission No