
Faculty of Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems
Campus Deutz
Betzdorfer Straße 2
50679 Köln
+49 221-8275-4148

Student Advisory Service

Central Academic Advising Office

Südstadt Campus
Claudiusstr. 1, 50678 Cologne
Room 13

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5500

Student and Examination Services Deutz Campus

Do you have any questions regarding examinations and general student affairs on Deutz Campus?
Get in contact with us.

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-4840

Further Information

International students who would like to obtain a degree at TH Köln

Team 2.1 International Degree-Seeking Students

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-2910

Integrated Water Resources Management (Master's program)

Staudamm umgeben von Bergen (Image: AdobeStock_JP-trip-landscape-DL_534089572)

Water resources, the indispensable basis for development, food supply and health, are becoming increasingly scarce and polluted. The concept of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) offers solutions to the water crisis by linking water to other vital resources. It regards the whole water cycle in connection with human interventions as the basis for sustainable water management.


Q&A Sessions for international applicants

Potential applicants with a foreign B.Sc.
- Tue., 18 Feb 25: 3-4 pm (CET)
- Wed., 12 Mar 25: 3-4 pm (CET)
ID: 666 3586 8014
Pass: Q&A

Enter chat room here

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Worldwide, there is a high and growing demand for experts adequately trained in the concepts of Integrated Water Resources Management. Next to the technical and managerial knowledge related to water resources, these experts should also be familiar with the practices of project funding and international cooperation.

Career prospects

  • Excellent career opportunities in international project and development cooperation
  • Working for national and international companies in the expanding business sector of water management
  • Leadership positions in the public and private sector
  • Become part of a network of excellence on integrated water resources management

At a Glance

Category Description
Program Integrated Water Resources Management 
Degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) 
Type of program Full-time program 
Beginning of program Winter semester 
Program duration 4 semesters 
Language of instruction English 
Campus Deutz Campus 
Restricted admission No 


The Master's program is application-oriented. The aim is, besides providing the participants with an overview on the water sector in general, to educate experts in the field of Integrated Water Resources Management. This requires a diversification of their knowledge and leads to the capability of cross-linked thinking. The answer to complex environmental and water related problems requires economic and managerial competencies more than classical technical knowledge.

The consolidation of different disciplines does not only have a methodological dimension but a cultural and a human one because interdisciplinary team work requires knowledge sharing and effective communication.

Based on this, the study objectives are:

  • Broadening and enhancing expert knowledge
  • Providing key qualifications required for international cooperation projects
  • Fostering the link between different areas of specialization
  • Enhancing oral and written communication considering different stakeholder groups regarding target groups
  • Broaden methodological and scientific skills, bridging theoretical knowledge and practical requirements
  • Practicing own research on interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial approaches to Integrated Water Resources Management

The Master's Program is offered in two lines

Single Degree Master's Program IWRM International

The two year program is held in Germany. During the third semester of study students have the opportunity to study abroad at international partner universities (cooperation partners of TH Köln).

IWRM Master's Joint Exchange Program with focus on the Middle East and Northern Africa region (IWRM-MENA) – in cooperation with German Jordanian University (GJU) in Jordan

The two year IWRM-MENA master's joint exchange program is offered in Germany and Jordan with English as the language of instruction. Students study the first two semesters in Germany (TH Köln) and then go to GJU in Jordan for their third semester. The fourth semester is dedicated to the Master's thesis with focus on the MENA region.

Student Advisory Service

Central Academic Advising Office

Südstadt Campus
Claudiusstr. 1, 50678 Cologne
Room 13

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-5500

Student and Examination Services Deutz Campus

Do you have any questions regarding examinations and general student affairs on Deutz Campus?
Get in contact with us.

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-4840

Further Information

International students who would like to obtain a degree at TH Köln

Team 2.1 International Degree-Seeking Students

  • Phone: +49 221-8275-2910